Month One

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Just a heads up this is much shorter than the last chapter. And I do mean much shorter. Barely a third of the length.

When I wake up this morning I can already hear everyone else awake and the smell of breakfast is reaching my nose.

As I walk downstairs I can also hear Stephanie badgering on about something that I don't really care about. It's too early for her to be this perky.

"There's my other princess," my dad says as I come down the stairs.

"Not in the mood, Dad," I tell him.

"Oh, someone's cranky," my mom teases. "Here, let's get some breakfast in you so you can go back to being our happy little girl."

"I'm not a little girl," I say as I take the plate that she hands me.

"I'm not a little girl either," my younger sister DJ says.

"Oh, yeah" my even younger sister Stephanie mocks, "then what are you?"

"We're women," DJ says confidently and I roll my eyes focusing my attention on my breakfast.

I can feel my nose curl up at the thought of eating eggs right now so I decide to eat the bacon instead.

"Gina, guess what? This morning I did two whole pirouettes."

"Good for you."

"And Ms.Romanoff said at practice last week that if I could do three then I can move up to the advanced dance group for my age."

"Stephanie read my lips," I say pointing at my mouth. "I. Don't. Care."

And then I immediately feel horrible.

"Evangeline Tanner. That was a horrible thing to say to your sister."

"I know, Mom. I know. I'm really sorry, Steph. I'm just tired."

"Honey, you just woke up."

"But that doesn't change the fact that I'm tired, Mom."

"Why don't you finish up your breakfast and then go take a nap," Dad suggests and I sigh.

"I'll just go take one now. I'm not that hungry."


The feeling of someone touching me wakes me up from my sleep.

"How are you feeling, Gina?"

It's my mom.

"Still tired," I tell her.

"Maybe you just didn't get enough sleep."

"Yeah, but I've been feeling tired a lot lately," I complain. "and not to mention I'm always sore."

"Sore," my mom questions and I gesture at my chest. "Oh. Gina, maybe I should make you a doctors appointment"

"That's not necessary," I say sitting up. "I'm sure I'll be fine in a few days."

My mom looks at me skeptically, "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. Now if you don't mind I'd like to officially get ready for the day."

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