" What did I say!" Jirou said as she facepalmed

" Deadpool can you make anything else then Chimichangas?..." Midoryia said

" Yea, A bowl of cereal, Now stop whining and eat! I made them extra Cheesy, Cheesy like this story" Said Deadpool and everyone walked over and grabbed some Chimichangas

" Don't forget I also made some beans to go with that!" Shouted Deadpool

As everyone started to dine in their lunch, Class 1-B had arrived after there Training as well with ragdoll and Tiger

" There you guys are! I was wondering when will you all will show up for lunch!" Said Ragdoll

" So you all decided to take a brake as well" Aizawa turned to look at Deadpool " Did you make these guys lunch as well?" Questioned Aizawa.

Deadpool gasped " Oh crap! Where are my manners!" He then pulled out another tray with Chimichangas " Of course I did!"

" W-wait where the heck did he pulled that out from?" Said Tesutestu and Deadpool walked to them " I have no fucking Idea!, Now you all get some before they get Cold like...um...Cold Like todoroki's heart" Said Deadpool and Todoroki looked at him with confusion

" Wow, this is my First time trying this" Said Kendo as she grabbed a Chimichanga and looked at it.

" How dare you say that, Chimichanga's are the number one name of all Burritos" Said Deadpool

" In South America deadpool, Not here in Japan" Said Peter as he keeps eating

" So how did your students do Eraserhead?" Said Vlad King

" Not bad, There are some students who are having trouble with their quirks so Mandalay is going to make those students to practice with Pixie bob and Tiger, How about your students?" Said Aizawa

" Same thing, There are three who are having trouble with their quirks as well" Said Vlad king

" Geez...I wonder who need to improve on their quirks...I can't stand more harsh training man" Said Kirishima.

" I know...My elbows are killing me, I just spent over an hour of spreading my own tape non stop..." Said sero as his head slammed to the table

" I swear if it's me...Yaoyorozu I need you create me a Tomb if it's me" Said Mina

" I have a feeling it won't be you, Plus I have another feeling that Sensei is just scarring us like he always does" Said Momo

" Say Momo I noticed something recently, You and Peter do get really comfortable when you two are together, I was just wondering something" Mina then looked at Peter to see if he wouldn't hear or see and Peter is distracted by Talking to Sato and iida.

" What is on your mind Mina?" Said Momo as she is now concerned about what's on Mina's mind, Mina then signaled momo to come closer, as Momo moved closer mina whispered to her ear and said Something that involves Lust, Momo then blushed extremely red as she covered her face and didn't say a word

" Like I said, I was just wondering" Said Mina and Momo glared at her, " N-no! I never did that! Why would I even do that!.." Said Momo

" I remember you saying something that you always had this strange feeling when you two are alone, and you said it's something very romantic not second thoughts" Mina said

" W-well...that may be true...But that doesn't mean...that!" Momo said and Deadpool appeared behind her, " what you two ladies talking about?"

" Aw come on Deadpool, this doesn't concern you" Mina said as she put her hands on her hips.

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