19: The Dark Lord's Wrath Part I

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"Mipsy." Severus said calmly, turning to face the House Elf that popped in to stand beside him. "Please inform the Dark Lord that I request an audience with him."

"Mipsy be doing that for you sir!" Mipsy chirped, curtsying quickly before popping away.

Severus stood in place calmly, his cool eyes wandering over the other people in the room with him. He was standing in the Welcoming Hall of the Dark Lord's Castle, so there were only a couple other people. One was a low-tier Death Eater awkwardly reading a book by the door, trying to avoid Severus's gaze, while the other was a mid-tier Death Eater who was attempting to coerce the other to duel him.

"The Dark Lord be waiting in the Meeting Hall, sir!" Mipsy said, popping out in front of Severus. "I be taking you now!"

Severus forced himself to calm down, the fear rising up like bile in the back of his throat. This was it. This was actually happening. It was too late to back out now.

Severus followed the House Elf through the castle, his eyes straying towards the large windows so that he could catch a glimpse of the sun and flowers outside. Mipsy stopped in front of the grand, ornate doors that led to the Meeting Hall.

"He be in there, sir!" Mipsy squeaked. Severus nodded and she curtsies once before she pops away. Severus breathed in once, shakily exhaling before he pushed open the doors.

The Dark Lord sat in his stone throne, the desk and other chairs that were usually in the room were gone, leaving nothing for Severus to hide behind should he need to. The Dark Lord was calm, and Severus couldn't help the small bit of relief that bled through him at the sight of Little One sitting in his lap.

The Inferius was sitting on the Dark Lord's lap, his legs falling over his knees, his face staring stubbornly at the wall, a single hand coming up to play with the Dark Lord's collar absentmindedly. The toddler hadn't turned at his entrance, so Little One didn't know that it was him. Severus took the small mercy.

"Why have you asked for me, Severus?" the Dark Lord asked, his crimson eyes studying Severus. "Is there a problem with the versitarium?"

Severus winced ever so slightly, and he clenched his hands into fists. "There is no problem, My Lord."

"Then why am I here?" the Dark Lord demanded.

Here goes nothing. "My Lord," Severus said shakily, and Severus clenched his fists tighter to hide the trembling. "I have found the identity of the traitor."

It was silent for a long time, and Severus risked a glance up at the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord's eyes narrowed dangerously, his possessive grip on Little One tightening. The toddler paid no mind to the grip, his blank eyes not leaving the wall.

"Who." he hissed. Severus swallowed nervously, and for the first time since he was but a child, he prayed.

"I request a boon, My Lord." he said, keeping the fear out of his voice. The Dark Lord stared at him for a moment before his head tilted downward in the slightest movement. Severus continued. "I request... mercy, My Lord."

The Dark Lord stilled, and Severus risked another look upwards to see the Dark Lord's calculating gaze. This, of course, was the moment Little One decided to look at him and his eyes widened ever so slightly and burrowed deeper into the Dark Lord's chest. Severus could see the moment when the Dark Lord connected the two dots. His grip on Little One tightened ever further while his eyes flashed with rage.

"You dare---"

"I was not the traitor who harmed Little One, My Lord." Severus rushed out.

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