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"God, this is why i absolutely hate 'traveling."

i sigh as i walk across the cemented floor of the airport. i'm knackered, to say the least. 17 hours of pure torture and to be honest, i'm surprised my butt didn't have a cramp or two. dad and mum were walking side by side as i walked on a slower pace behind them. so far, i didn't like the weather nor the time zone.

it made my life troublesome and confusing. like, ghad, where i came from, we're a day behind and now, we're a day ahead.

like, seriously?

"becca, dear, can you call margo?" asked my mom as she handed our luggage to the taxi driver.

"i think my phone doesn't have international coverage. shouldn't i get like, uh, a new sim card or something?" i reply. "just try and call her via your old sim. you still have them, do you? Be resourceful dear. you're a genius, aren't you?"

"oh, um. sure mum."

I grabbed my wallet from my backpack and looked for my former sim that i used the last time i was in this country. I replaced it with my other sim and contacted margo. all my phone did was ring, and ring, and ring. until, "hello? Who is this?"

"this is darth vader, and you are luke skywalker. and i am your father."

"hello becca louise. this your new number?"

"Nah. Its my old one. reckon this number was lost when you lost your phone with it."

"yeah. but enough with the brit slang, bex!"

"sure. well, my parents wanted to ask if you were already at your hotel?"

"oh, we're staying at uncle aldrin's house. and i think the espantos rented like, an apartment."


"is that all you're really gonna say bex?"

"why? Do you want me to say that one direction from the x-factor is totally hot especially the blonde one? I think not."

"Ha-ha. i guess i'll just see you then."

"yeah. See you soon!"

i took off my seatbelt and went outside of the vehicle. i was beside mum and to answer her question, "um, she said they were staying at uncle a's. but darren is staying at an apartment they rented."

she smiles at me. "thanks dear."

"you're welcome mum."

"now, how about we help your father on getting the stuff out of this vehicle." mum giggles.


opening my macbook, a notification instantly got my attention. it was an email from isaac.

hey becca!
well, i hope you had a safe trip and all that business. but anyways, i just want to remind you that if you don't wear that locket i gave you for that party, its a 'friendship over' for you young lady.


well, stay fit and healthy; wouldn't want my friend to die from heat stroke!!

im serious about the locket thing though. get a dress that'll match the locket. but im bot serous about that, um, friendship over thing. aha x

Your locket friend,
Isaac (:

A smile formed to my lips. ofcourse he would write to me, he always does. and i write back.

Isaac, my man,
Oh ghad, that sounded weird. but anyways. yes, mum got me a dress that perfectly matched your gift. she already wanted me to wear your locket Isaac, and im not complaining.

I'll see you soon dork. just a week without me. You can survive that, can you?

ps. You probs wont. too cool fo you isaac aha x

Hey! Stay safe and surprise me with pizza when i come back!!

Becca ((:

"Becca honey," dad calls from the outside, "you better get ready hun, we're going to have dinner with someone special."

i roll my eyes. How exciting.


Ho hey its beccaaaaa hey hey!!!

Einyways, how are youuu?

Well there's a surprise on the next update.

Sorry for the typos. I wrote on my ipad at like, 12am.



Love you mah loveliesss.

Understanding Love [Juan Karlos Labajo]Where stories live. Discover now