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hehe hi :3 


sitting on the stool standing infront of my piano, i wonder what to play. i've always been sent into music camp twice a month (or sometimes, the whole summer) to practice and enhance my playing skills. unlike darren and margo, my voice is specifically designed to burst someone's ear drums and to scare threatning monsters away, while theirs, attracts angels to come down from heaven.

but instead, i know how to dance, which is a similar talent to us three. the only thing that will make me stand out is that, im a genius. 

not to brag but, when i was three, i was already able to read and understand fourth grade books and to define and lecture about einstein's theories about the world. i would be able to graduate high school at the age of thirteen, which is three years from now. 

and i wouldn't risk the chances of living an ordinary life. 

you could make me play any instrument - hand me the thing and i'll play it, no matter how hard it is.

i press random keys, making an unlikeable tune. until my fingers just travelled from where they want, as if they have their own brains, creating a melody that could soothe anything. anything. 

"becca, dear, you're getting better at playing." my dad praises as he entered the music room. "maybe you should plan on taking julliard for college."



"that's like, 9 years from now. we can't even guarantee its still going to be standing and be an insitute."

he smiles, "you know, i wonder where you got that talent, me and your mother aren't musically inclined, yet, we're not smart. maybe you're a child from a different man?"

"says the one who created my half-brother." i smirk.

"now now, don't bring that up."

"i won't dad, don't worry."

"now, why don't you and i play a little bit of archery and knife throwing?" 

"game on dad. the. game. is. on."


 "what? you must be cheating, dad!" i yell, seeing that out of ten targets, he got nine hits, while i got seven. (hits are like, bull's-eye) 

"no i'm not darling. you're just not that good." he chuckles. "i swear dad, you must be controlling the wind or my arrows for them to miss!" i say as i laugh, nudging him on the ribs. 

mom enters the range, "hey there." she greets as she rests on the gate's walls. "i see you've been pissing your daughter." she looks at dad. "and i see my daughter pissed." 

i smirk. "ha! mom's on my side!" 

"i love seeing my daughter pissed, kick her ass dad!" 

"i hate both of you." i tease. 

and they laugh. 

i walk over to the rack where my dad and i's bows rest, i grab my orange one, specifically designed for me. i gear up, got my quiver and arrows, and went to the mini-range we had in the basement. i was focusing on the first target when mom asked me, "does isaac like you?"

as i realeased my arrow, bull's-eye. "no he doesn't mom. i bet the little locket he gave me was a friendly gift." she and dad roll his eyes, "i bet it wasn't."

"i bet it was." i say as i shot another arrow.

"to my annoying parents," i chuckle, "i want food."

"if you get ten shots out of ten." mum challenged.

"fine." a few moments later, i was happily eating cookies that mum baked. to say the least, she was smiling from ear to ear when i said i won't bring a book to the party while i was shooting targets. and even though i only got like, nine over ten, she baked me cookies.


"what's the time, sweets?" dad asks mum, "8:49, why?"

"becca, m'dear, tomorrow's our flight. have you packed?" he asked. "oui. why?"

"well, number one," mum said, "when we arrive in the PH, we have a surprise gift for you."

i smile devilishly, "alright, i'm going to sleep."

"sleep tight, bex!" mum shouts as i walk the stairs to my room.

"love ya both!"


yeah i know it's a wee bit boring but trust me, jk's coming in any moment now haha

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Understanding Love [Juan Karlos Labajo]Where stories live. Discover now