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Sirius grinned at Remus as they led the two children into Diagon Alley and up to Gringotts, finding the Granger family already within, exchanging Pounds for Galleons. They'd received their supply lists and were now going to do their shopping for the coming year. Amelia had wanted to come but had to work, trying to use some of the things Sirius had overheard from other prisoners to push for new trials for some 'reformed' Death Eaters. She also hadn't forgotten the visit Harry had received from the house elf. Sirius wasn't looking forward to September first when he'd have to say goodbye to Harry until Christmas, but it was necessary. They'd all noticed Harry coming more and more out of his shell since his birthday party, finally appearing to accept that this new life wasn't a dream. The time had flown since the party with lots of excursions around Britain to let the kids experience the culture of their home, magical and non-magical.

Hermione greeted Harry with her normal enthusiastic hug before greeting Susan as well. Sirius was happy to see that whatever her parents had said to her appeared to have sunk in well and she had said nothing to Harry about his relatives. The entire Granger family would be returning to Bones Manor with them for the last few days of holidays, letting them see what a magical home was like and allowing them to take them onto the Platform via the Floo so that they could see the Express for themselves.

Once done at the bank they headed for Madam Malkin's for new robes. Harry had finally hit a growth spurt thanks to all the healing and good meals. He need a whole new wizarding wardrobe and while he was being fitted, Sirius helped Susan convince Hermione to buy more robes for wearing outside of class. Once done they headed to Slug and Jiggers Apothecary to restock potions kits, then on to the pet store for owl treats. They left the bookstore for last, knowing there would be issues dragging Hermione out.

When they approached Flourish & Blotts they found a line out the door and signs up announcing Gilderoy Lockhart was doing a book signing. The girls were instantly excited while Harry cringed back slightly at the sight of the press.

"We can come back tomorrow," Sirius offered quietly, not wanting to make him uncomfortable, but Harry shook his head and straightened up, making Sirius proud. They moved passed the line and entered the store only to run into a confrontation between the Malfoys and the Weasleys. The divorce was in the works but obviously they were keeping it quiet until it was done, and Sirius was glad the man was at least seeing to his son's schooling one last time. Though he did wonder if the boy knew what was coming. He'd told Harry who hadn't been very happy to find out Draco would soon be a Black, but Sirius had promised they would not live in the same house and that his old behavior would not be tolerated. "Finding trouble Lucius?" Sirius asked even as he shifted the kids behind him, feeling Remus move closer to the Grangers, just in case.

Lucius stiffened and turned, to see Sirius Black, looking every bit the Pureblood Lord, staring him down. "Lord Black," he forced himself to greet stiffly.

"Maybe you should move on," he suggested, and Lucius nodded.

"Come Draco, we have more to do."

Hands remained close to wands until they were gone and then Sirius turned to face the Weasleys, smiling in greeting and offering his hand to Arthur. They'd been in the Order together although not close due to the age gap. "Good to see you again Arthur, hope he didn't cause you too much trouble."

"No trouble Lord Black," Arthur answered, and Sirius shook his head.

"Sirius, please. And I hear you know my Godson," he gently tugged Harry forward and Arthur smiled.

"Hello Harry."

"Hi Mr. Weasley," Harry answered, gaze drifting to where Ron stood, face red as he took in Hermione with them. Harry flinched slightly when Ron turned and walked away, deeper into the bookstore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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