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The beauty of night is different. Its peaceful, its calm, everything feels like a little haunted but you need to oversee something everything has its pros and cons . The moon it gives me peace it helps me get my mind cleared ( sometimes) or it gets me lost. The stars are the guiding light to help me go on they are the hope
Sometimes i also feel that they are just illusion but there is a thin line between illusion and reality. So back to stars, the sad thing is that they are fading for me well due to my weak eyesight they are hard to locate and most tines the image is blurry , yeah my everyday struggle
Now add a lot of pollution of the city  and those towers who destroys my panoramic view

So you may be thinking where am i with all this stupid thoughts ..
I am sitting in my window to view a bit clear sky with spotify helping me to give me background music so i will be little less terrified by different sound of movement around me. Most of them are of either plastic moving due to the wind which i am way to thankful for by the way or dogs / insects and may be i am hallucinating who know

Now you might ask me if i am so terrified why i am here? Well cause i am a night owl and deeply in love with night if i dare to say so. Those who live in a city and are stargazer just as me at what time are you able to see the stars and moon and in my case venus i have to say its 2 am to be precise 2:34 am and i m thinking about all this bullshit with myself and now as i am thinking its stupid

I have a cup of coffee in my hand  due to mercy of my big sister a book in another one art supplies are scattered around me which are here for almost 2 days and my lazy ass has not yet packed it my notes are nearby which i have to read, do my homework and complete some other task which by the way i am in no mood of doing. So in conclusion i am sitting in middle of a mess relaxing sipping my coffee stargazing and rambling about things which i am sure i have might spoken twice about and besides all this humming a tune in my head which is stuck with me since this morning and i m still not able to catch hold which song it is.

As you can say i am a procasinator, night person, messy, I believe to be introvert, shy,rude, in love with cheese and choclate, addicted to instagram and netflix, used to play basketball, above average student, brunette, with brown eyes, fair complexion, people say i m beautiful which i used to believe but the changes in my facial features as i am growing are all i can put in a word is different and i m not yet adjusted with the changes but deep down i know i m beautiful . Well sure i don't dress like one. I prefer comfort over good clothes so guess i like loose clothes, i m getting fat, i am not able to stand jeans now and after this whole situation it is hard to find me in any other thing than shorts or loos plazoos and an oversized t-shirt which most likely i have borrowed from my brother.

As i was enjoying myself with beautiful breeze and scenery i observed some difference on the roof of building i guess which will be a few blocks down. As now you know me i was a little apprehensive but ignored it and was in my own little world humming the tune of the song i was currently listening to. It was peaceful i felt content and grateful for every thing i have received well but this peace was not for long when i felt like someone was starring at me. I looked around and saw a male figure on the building which i ignored earlier. Now who feels foolish? Mee!!!! Due to my poor eyesight i was not able to see what he looked like but i m thankful that i m not seeing him who know that haunted image never leaves my mind and terrorize me for rest of my life. Of course I was damm afraid and it started to feel more creepy when he waved which was my cue to leave that place as soon as possible i dodged took my phone and left as if i had never seen anything and went like one would normally leave but just a little fast. What do you expect me to do wave back? For god's sake it was around 2 or 3 in the morning first of all who is awake at that time ( well many people but still) and who waves at someone who he doesn't know it is a shit load of creepiness and i know it sound like hypocrite but it was for my safety who knows he may be a serial killer or a ghost or some cycic. But i guess it was time for me to call it a night. I went to my bed and gave a bear hug to impoo and my sister letting her know that i m back and drifted to sleep still thinking about that creep!


* The beautiful asthetic by my friend and the one who pushed me to write this story riyashahh16
Thank you

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