2. || Here We Go Again ||

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As soon as the lecturer left the room, there was instant tension in the Third Year students. Everyone knew what was about to happen. Some were excited for it and some wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. It was super awkward. Suddenly a boy threw a pen at another boy. And it officially started.
Ankit, one of the Royals stood up and crossed his arms.
"Listen here you poor Ordinary people, this college is PRESTIGIOUS which, even as a word, is out of our league. You have shown the courage to even think of coming here and now we, Royals will show you our power. All of you will suffer. We'll make sure of that! "
The Royalty laughed loudly.
Shravan was trying really hard to keep his cool but as soon as they laughed, he stood up and threw the desk aside.
"Aren't you guys ever bored of being douchcanoes or do you get paid for it? Seriously, even idiots don't bully these days. Y'all must be some another level of dumbasses!"
All their laughter died down. If there's anyone Ankit hates the most, its Shravan. They've always been arch enemies since they're both "leaders" of their respective gangs.
Ankit came up close to Shravan.
"And what are you going to do about it, huh? Trynna be gareebon ka Sunny Deol? "
Shravan smirked and came even closer to him.
"You know what they say about those living in glass houses? You don't give lectures to others while you yourself are busy being the Rajnikanth of these useless morons behind you! "
Ankit's smile faltered. He was becoming furious.
"Who do you think you are?? You two rupees boy, coming here and showing me attitude?!"
"Does it look like I'm even a bit bothered to answer that? Everyone knows that whatever I have, I earned it. Whileas you, even your pens are by your dad's money. What's your own? "
The "ordinary" students smiled and looked at Shravan admiringly.
Ankit clenched his fists and moved to hit him when Aadhya came in between.
"Stop it you idiot!! Can't you hear what he's saying? Its called truth. I'm not sure your parents taught you that since they were too busy stuffing your pockets. Anyways, in future if you ever feel like getting educating, my brother is free after lunch. He'd ignore you with all he could. Now take your silly face and dump it in some corner! "
She grabbed Shravan's hand and dragged him out of the classroom.
In the corner of the room, Raghav sat, watching everything with a calm face on.
"Hey Raghav, let's go somewhere else. Its getting a bit too much here", Karthik said. Raghav looked at him uncertainly but then got up and took his bag.
"Yeah, let's go to the library, I'm sure we won't find Ankit or his thugs there".
They went to the library together.

Aadhya had dragged her brother to the cafeteria. They sat down at a table.
"Shravu, I told you already that don't reply to that idiot. Why would you waste your time on him? "
"I didn't want to. But I can't stand their laughter. Its so infuriating. Ughhhh"
She hugged him from side. He sighed and returned the hug.
Its been like this since so long now. Nothing changed no matter how much people tried.
Raghav and Karthik entered the library to find it empty. They sat down at one of the tables. Raghav idly picked up a book and swiftly put it back, blushing. It was a magazine and not a subtle one....
Karthik saw it and burst out laughing.
"Ohhh myyy goddd😂😂😂😂 what's this doing here. Who would bring it here? "
Raghav shrugged and they both laughed.
They both got up hurriedly and left.
Wow, what a start to the day!

In the other side of the same college..
Priyanka was hurriedly copying notes from her brother's notebook which he himself had copied from Niyati sitting in front of him. He had always been lazy. Anyways, Priyanka finally finished and sighed.
"Why would someone teach this much on the first day?! "
Krish laughed and patted her on the back.
"Its ok behna, it's college after all not high school. Things change! "
She looked at him, open mouthed.
"Who possessed you?! You're not my brother! "
He punched her slightly on her shoulder and she laughed.
In the back of the room, Adi and Radhika were merrily chatting.
"..... and then my dad bought me a Gucci jacket!"
"GUCCI?!! OMG! I've always wanted to have a Gucci dress but you know, the budget... "
"Oh no Radhu, don't be upset. One day, you'll have a whole collection of Gucci, you'll see!! "
"I hope so. Waise Adi, do you have any special talents? "
"Yeah, kind of. I am a dancer or atleast that's what I think.  I love dancing. It gives me life! "
"Wow! Dancing?!!! That's amazing. I, myself, love drawing! Its my favorite part time! Wanna see one of my drawings? "
"I'd love to! "
She opened her bad and started looking for something. At last she pulled out a paper.
"Here, its not that good but I like it! "
He took the paper from her.
"Are you kidding me?! Its so good!!! "
She blushed and thanked him.
He quickly took out his phone and clicked a picture of the drawing.
She put the drawing back into her bag.
"Let's go to the cafeteria! "
Adi looked at her and nodded. They stood up and went to the café.
The café was full, like packed to every single unit cube of its space.  Radhika put on a sad face and glanced at Adi. He seemed ok with it.
"Aren't you upset? "
"No. Why? "
"We won't get to sit here in the café "
He shrugged.
"Leave it. Follow me! "
She followed him. They stopped in front of a door labelled as "Rehearsal Hall".
"This is the rehearsal hall of this academy. Its where all of them danced! "
"All of whom? "
"Rey, Swayam, Sharon, who else?! "
"Umm.. I don't know them..... "
"WHAT?! "
She nodded weakly.
"Ok.... Come with me, I'll tell you everything "
They went into the hall and he began telling her the story.

Le time skip brought to you by Rey himself....

After continuously speaking for about an hour, he finally finished his story.
"Wow, I never knew how amazing this Academy actually is!"
"Well now you do! "
She smiled at him and they finally went to their next class.

Krish was sitting, getting bored. He had nobody to bother and there was still time in his revenge against Queen Victoria. That's what he called Niyati.

Krish's PoV
How dare she?! Who the hell does she think she is?! I will not spare her! She will know who she's crossed paths with!!
Anyways, where is my sister. She's the only person I can consider spending my spare time here with. Otherwise, everyone else is just... not my standard except the boy I saw earlier. He was sitting at the backbecnh with a "typical Indian looking" girl. He seemed cool. We'll see that later...

Priyanka was sitting with her elder brother and his friend Raghav. They were telling her about the famous Third Year Panga. She was listening with quite the interest. She had always heard about this Shravan guy standing up for others. She was kind of intrigued and wanted to meet him.
"Bhai, can I meet this Shravan guy? "
"I don't know, can you? "
He smirked.
"Come on Bhai!! Please!!!"
"He doesn't usually have any sort of connections with the Royalty"
"But I'm not one of them!! "
Raghav patted her on shoulder
"Your brother is though. I don't think he'll want to be friends with you.... "
"Real subtle bro"
Karthik hugged her last time and got up.
"Let's go to the class. Its Bhat Sir's class"
"Oh I know! He's the one whose belly enters before he does!! "
Raghav snorts and Karthik chuckles.
"Is that how one talks about their teacher? "
"Oh come on Raghav, cut her some slack"
"Fine but let's go. I don't want Bhat sir to scream at me"
They left.
Priyanka got up and to her class as well.

Niyati was busy re-reading her notes. She's always been a keen reader and a brilliant student. She finishes reading them and carefully puts them in the bag.
"I wonder what's in the cafe... "
She gets up and is about to leave when the Lecturer enters. She glances at him. He seems strict.. Whoops!
"May I ask where you are going young lady? "
"Uhhh nowhere. I thought... Never mind.. Sorry sir"
"Its ok. Go sit down"
She went and sat quietly.
Krish was having the time of his life watching her get embarrassed.

Shravan had a sour mood. He wanted to punch Ankit so bad. He hated that guy. Aadhya was sitting with him, rubbing his back. Raghav and Karthik entered and their eyes fell on Shravan sitting with his most bored and sulking face on.
They looked at each other, shrugged and went to their seat. Bhat Sir came in, no wait, first his belly came in and then in came he. Raghav remembered Priyanka's words and a chuckle left his mouth. Now all he could see was Bhat Sir's belly. This class was going to be a mess😂

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