10 || Paths Diverge

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Raghav had been driving for an hour now. He didn't care about where he was going. He kept moving in the dark. For the fourth time his phone rang, his brother's face flashing. He couldn't care less at that moment. He kept driving recklessly, his father's words echoing in his mind. 

How dare he?! Speaking about my mother as if she doesn't do everything for him! Pathetic!

Lost in his thoughts, Raghav stepped on the accelerator and exceeded the speed limit. Fortunately, the road was vacant as it was past midnight now. But who has ever escaped fate? No one. Neither did Raghav as in his rage, he failed to notice the truck coming towards him a full speed. Before he could do anything, the truck collided with his car and sent it tumbling. 

Raghav couldn't feel anything. It was as if he had lost all senses. He could faintly hear sirens but his vision was blurred. He could, however, make out that he was upside down as blood was trickling from his eyes to his forehead instead of going down his neck. As he tried to move, a sharp pain shot through his leg and he screamed in agony. His leg was twisted at an abnormal angle. He could see silhouettes of paramedics moving towards his car, but his leg's pain clouded his mind further. At that moment, his mother's face flashed in front of his eyes. Oh, how he longed to embrace her again! Another face followed hers. Abhir. As much as he loathed his brother for being "perfect", he could never forget that Abhir was his first friend, his comrade, his partner in crime. He cringed at the tone he had used in their last conversation. If only he could take back his words! Just as he began losing consciousness, another face flashed in front of him. Aadhya. Raghav's eyes opened suddenly. Why had he thought of her? Sure, she was a sweet girl and his best friend's sister but why her? Why not Sharvan? Before he could comprehend it anymore, two people started taking him out of his wrecked car. He was losing consciousness quickly. Must be the blood loss! As they finally pulled him free, his legs gave way and he fell to the ground, unconscious.  


"Why isn't he picking up his phone? I'm dying of stress here!"

Swara was pacing the kitchen restlessly as Abhir was trying to call his brother. 

"To hell with this! Ma, he's not picking up. I'm going to the police station. He might be in trouble."

"No! Abhir your father will kill me and him too!"

"I don't care! My brother is missing. He left in so much fury. I'm scared something bad has happened..."

"Try calling him again!"

Abhir dialed his brother's number again, expecting the ring to go on endlessly. But this time someone picked it up.

"Hello?! Raghav? Where are you?"


"Who's this? Where's my brother?!"

"Sorry sir, we found this phone at an accident site. We believe it belongs to the boy whose car crashed."

Abhir's blood went cold.

"W-What? Where are you? Where is he?"

"Near the outskirts of the city. There's a public hospital here. He's in the ICU."

"Ok... We'll be there. Thank you"

His voice was quivering and as soon he disconnected the call, he fell on the floor.

"Abhir! What happened?!"

"I have to go. Stay here. If Dad asks, tell him I've gone to see some friends. Don't mention Raghav at all."

"But what happened? Is he ok?"

"He will be."

With that Abhir ran out of the house, his mind racing with the possibilities of what might happen, none of them good.


Next day, in the early morning.

Aadhya woke up happy and more cheerful than usual.

Raghav is coming over for dinner! Her heart started beating faster thinking about it. 

What should I cook? What should I wear? What will I say to him? Oh god! What if he doesn't like my cooking? What if I embarrass myself in front of him? Oh no no no...

Aadhya got out of her bed and went straight out to shower.

Meanwhile, Shravan was getting dressed to meet Annalisa, to talk about his role in the new dance team. And then he had to go pick Raghav up for dinner. 

His meeting with Annalisa got postponed as she was busy with the selection of the other candidates. He decided to hang out with Raghav. He dialed his number which rang for a long time before he picked it up.

"Oi Raghav! Where are you? I'm free right now, wanna hang out?"

"Sorry sir, the person to whom this phone belongs is in the ICU right now."

"What?! Where?"

After getting the address. he practically ran to the rickshaw stand.

"Bhaiya, Will you please take me to the Dayanand Hospital? Please?"

"Sure, Sahab."

On his way, he decided to call Aadhya to inform her. 

Aadhya was tying her hair into a ponytail when her phone started ringing. It was Shravan.

"Yes, Bhai?"

"Aadhya, tonight's plans are canceled."

Aadhya felt her heart stop.


"Raghav has been in an accident."

The phone slipped from her hand as she fell backward onto her bed.

No No No This cannot be happening!

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