Chapter 17 - Closure

Start from the beginning

I just wish I had never come back. I was way better in college. I didn't want to come back, I just want to leave. I hadn't even been here for 5 months and yet I had already been through so much stuff. Being here is just.. Ruining me. He ruined me.

I hate him so much and every feeling that I had for him is absolutely gone. He is such a lying bastard. I hope they have a horrible life together. He's a whore and she's a whore and that's why they're so perfect for each other.

This is why people hate love. Because of this heartbreak. I'd say it's worth it, but it's honestly not. It hurts so much. It makes your self esteem crumble when you realize they don't love you anymore.

It makes you think about all the things wrong with you, all your flaws and imperfections. It makes you break down at any given time, may it be in public or private. Most importantly, it makes you miserable.

I had ended up walking to the main road, and decided to go to Starbucks. I was looking in my purse to check if I actually had my purse until I had bumped into a hard body.

"Oh, I'm so-" I stopped during mid sentence when I looked up and realized who it was.

"Hey stranger." He said with a wide grin, showing a perfect set of straight white teeth. He was holding a tray of Starbucks cappuccinos and three bags of cookies, I assumed.

"Hi Aiden." I said with a small smile. "Do you need any help with that? You look like your struggling." He laughed.

"Nah, I'm good. Are you okay? I bumped into you pretty hard."

"I'm dying, could you take me to the hospital?" I spoke sarcastically, and his face morphed into mock worry.

"Ah shit, someone call 911. This poor old woman is hurt!" He yelled out loudly, but thankfully no one was in hearing mode.

I smacked his arm purposely to rattle the drinks, and he nearly dropped them. "I'm not an old lady!"

"If these all fell, I'd make you buy me more." He spoke seriously, even though I knew he was joking.

"It wouldn't have been my fault, I just had an arm spasm, that's all. Not my fault. Nope." I said with a sneaky smile.

He let out one of his amazing smiles again, and stared at me intently. We locked gazed and no matter how much I wanted to look away, I couldn't.

I was entrapped in his gaze, in his beautiful green eyes. It honestly felt like we were the only two there, and I knew this was a secret moment between the both of us.

Never being good at holding eye contact, I looked away first. He cleared his throat and spoke up. "I never got that text. Planning on letting me keep your clothes?" He said with a wink.

I laughed. "They're not my clothes, they're my brother's, keep them all you want. I still have your suit anyways." I spoke jokingly.

"Keep my suit. Something to remember me by. But.. at least could I get a text?" He asked, joking about the first part.

"Maybe tomorrow." I teased, crossing my arms and pulling out my phone, scrolling through my contacts. I had added his number since I knew I would most likely lose the piece of paper he wrote it on.

He faked a wounded look. "After all I did for you, I don't get a-" I zoned him out as I typed him a text.

'Hi. Happy now?' Sent.

"I'll talk to you later, Aiden." Feeling quite bold, I leaned up on my tippy toes, and pecked him on the cheek. A little kindergarten, but who said I grew up?

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