✰ Chapter 1 - School Trip (Day 1) ✰

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Chisa (the teacher) slammed her hands onto the front desk, catching everyone's attention.
"Has everyone turned in their permission forms? If not, raise your hand!"
No one raised their hand.
"Alrighty then, does everyone have their bags? Raise your hand if you don't!"
No one raised their hand.
"Good! The buses are here, so grab your stuff and go onto the bus for our school trip!"

:Hajime's POV:
After grabbing my stuff, I sat back down to my desk to text my mom were going to the Field trip, then put my phone into my desk.
Souda ran to my desk and grabbed my hand and took me to the bus so we could sit together, this was inevitable because last week I promised Kazuichi that we'd share seats on the bus to the school trip.
We were the first on the bus and sat in the third row from the front, everyone piled up on the bus while Kazuichi and I checked our bags for everything.
"Aww man! I forgot the gummy bears!"
"You didn't forget them, the teacher took them this morning."
"Oh right, haha!"
Kazuichi zipped his bag up and set it under his seat, he rested his knees against the seat infront of him.
I left my bag on my lap and looked out the window, I could feel Souda's glare to the window next to mine since I was lucky and got the window seat.
Occasionally, Kazuichi would point out some place and I'd comment on it too, and after 30-45 minutes, we finally got to the resort.
The school trip is a week long visit to a resort filled with math, biology, and basically every subject.
They even have a small zoo!
It's a new place too, so it's pretty busy, and they apparently have good breakfast according to Yelp.
Me and Kazuichi have a room together, so falling asleep will be a task.
"Alrighty everyone! Time to get off the bus, we're going to our rooms then immediately going on a hour or two long tour!"
Kazuichi and I got off almost last and ran to our rooms which were very far away.
Souda ran into the room, set down his bags then jumped onto the bed, arms and legs spread out, faded down.
I put down my bags then sat down on the bed while Kazuichi made snow angels, but not snow, instead bed.
I laughed then a teacher knocked on the door, and then we had to go to the tour.
I put on a black backpack with water bottles in it, and held a map. All Kazuichi did was grab a singular water bottle.
When I walked outside, I immediately saw Akane arguing to the teacher that she can't share a room with Nekomaru, while Nidai understood why and tried to calm her down.
And then there was Hiyoko admiring a pink hydro flask with a sticker with her name on it on the hydro flask, while Mahiru with a heavy duty backpack was talking to her about it with a yellowish-orange hydroflask with stickers covering every inch of it.
It's pretty obvious that Mahiru gave Hiyoko the expensive watterbottle.
I went into line and read what was on the map to Kazuichi.
"Hey they have a art section, for music and paints!"
"Oh cool!"
I drifted my finger across the page to a different location, "a dissecting room is right next to a sound simulation room!"
We walked around for a bit, walking by exciting colored doors until we stopped.
The tour leader brought us to our first location, "Alright everyone, this is the mathematician room! Doesn't sound interesting but, it's better than what it sounds!"
He opened the door and the room was filled with colorful math tools on the wall, and fun tools and sheets for practicing many mathematical skills.
"Here are some paper for making fun pictures using x,y coordinations, and building squares over there! Feel free taking 30 minutes to explore this room!"
Kazuichi and I sat down at a table with building blocks, first thing Kazuichi did was make a terrible gun and pretend shooting me, I sat there smiling warm hearted like a parent.
I grabbed some blocks and made a panda while Kazuichi made a different gun.
I found some papers in a holder on the table, it was different tasks for you to make, it was different animals, objects, and people.
I followed those while Kazuichi made more inventions.
"Get up! Next room!"
I slipped the paper into my backpack then went to the teacher, Kazuichi followed.
"Dude I'm already almost done with my water bottle and we just started!"
"I'll let you have some of mine but don't take advantage of it."
"Sure thing!"
The group stopped and the tour leader moved to show two doors.
"This is the library, it's quite small so we're doing construction, but you can come into here later, right infront of us, if y'all would turn around.. is a animation room!"
The tour leader walked through all of us and opened the door, there were 6 long tables with tablets, light boxes, piles of paper on the tables. The walls were covered in posters and 'learn-how-to' animation books.
"In here we have lightboxes, flipbooks, and digital animation! We also have two tables in the back dedicated to stop motion, I can't explain how to do all of these animating styles but if you ask a instructor how to do something, they'll talk to you!"
A instructor was standing in the corner with their hands held together politely, they silently nodded and the tour leader told us we have 30 minutes to explore the room before we leave.
Me and Kazuichi went to a stop motion station in the back, we had to share the station with Nagito and Teruteru.
"Hey what should we make?" I asked, I had to take the pictures and edit the videos, Kazuichi made the clay objects and/or get objects, Teruteru moved them and Nagito decided the 'story line'.
"I say we make one about video games!"
Kazuichi grabbed red and blue clay to make Mario, "I beg to differ!" Teruteru said, tapping his foot on the tile floor.
"Why dont we make one of those cool cooking one with non edible objects?"
"Huh?" Komaeda tapped his finger on his forehead.
"One of those makin a food but instead of actual food, we use a non edible thangs instead!"
I finally figured out what he was talking about, I've seen those on YouTube!
"Ohh! One of those by PES on YouTube!"
"Aww man! I wanted to make a Mario animation!" Souda disappointingly put down the clay.
"what food should we do, Hajime?"
"Why does Hajime have to come up with it! Do you like him or somthin, Nagito?"
Nagito chuckled and shrugged.
"We should do a burger!" Kazuichi exclaimed, he picked up green felt.
"This could be lettuce!"
"Uh okay!"
"Yes-sir-ee! Good idea!"
We did a small animation of making a burger using two half's of a circle squishy as bread, green felt as lettuce, a small brown plushie Nagito made as the patty, buttons as pickle slices, and gel as ketchup.
But we couldn't barely finish it before we moved onto the next room, the cooking room.
We then went to many more rooms before having to eat lunch.
I got tomato soup with some candy and water while Souda got a pb & J with some candy and soda.
We sat down at a table, some seats away from Chiaki, Ibuki, and Mikan.
"What's your favorite room so far, Hajime?"
"I don't know but going to the dorm for sleeping sounds the best to me."
"Yeah, but I like the robotics room the most!"
"I figured."
Kazuichi downed his food and soda while I took my time.
"Hey dude, are you gonna have those sour gummies?"
Before I finished, Kazuichi took them and ate them too.
It took me ten more minutes to finished, we then got up and sat in line, I didn't finish my water so I often-ly took some sips from it.
We went to a couple more rooms before going to bed, Kazuichi had Nickelodeon on the TV on while I tried to sleep, I was in my PJ's but Kazuichi didn't change.
The intercom chimmed and a voice started going.
"Alright guys, we have a dance on Thursday! AKA in five days! I hope you guys packed something to dance in!"
Kazuichi pushed my shoulder because I was facing the other way, so he couldn't see my face.
"Dude, did you hear that?!"
"Yeah, now let me sleep.."
"Did you pack something?"
"Yeah, did you?"
"No... but I'll figure something out! I should get changed into my PJ's."
I silently nodded.
Kazuichi got out of the bed and went into the bathroom to change, I took advantage of that and spread my arms and legs out in the bed, then when I heard the door open, went back to my original position.
I felt something on my arm so went to look, and Kazuichi had turned off the Tv and was laying down, to sleep.
It took me a minute to process, but he didn't have a shirt, so then I freaked out.
"Dude, a shirt on!"
"It's disgusting."
"Just put a shirt on."
I moved back and looked away from him and shut my eyes, Souda got up and put a shirt on then went back to sleep.
We fell asleep but it was hard to for me because of SOMEONE snoring...

Word count : 1611
Also I suck at writing lol, so if it was slow sorry haha.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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