Questions, Marriage, and Oprah

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After performing 3 of our original songs, we have decided to stop for a while and answer some questions from our fans.

"So questions! Who has some questions for them?" A man said, who wasn't wearing a Z100 shirt but wearing a TMNT green shirt, which I presume is the host. Multiple girls raise their hands, wanting to ask some questions. The man crawled, like a crab walk of some sort, to avoid being seen in the camera. He went to the girl who wore a black shirt with white shorts and black boots.

"So, what's your question?" The man asks.

"Um...Would you rather eat a frozen hash brown or eat a jar of mayonnaise?" The girl asks. Eww. That's gross. I shudder. 

"Well, I would rather eat a frozen hash brown cause I mean come on, a jar of mayo? I'd probably either throw up or shit myself afterwards." I answer and then everybody laughed.

" But wouldn't you throw up on eating a frozen hash brown?" Cam asks looking at me.

"Well. Maybe. Yeah. But c'mon, a whole jar of mayo? How 'bout you? What would you pick?" I ask him.

"I'll rather starve to death than eat those things." He shivers in disgust. I laugh at him and soon everybody joins in. Even Cam lets out a series of giggles. Once everyone has calmed down from the laughing fit, the host started finding another fan to ask a question.

"Are you guys single?" Another girl asks.

"Um, Dan! You're married right? " I ask him, stifling a laugh.

"With 3 kids? Right? Right?" Chris continued along with some "manly giggles".

"Yeah. Yeah. You guys are completely right!" Dan replies sarcastically, rolling his eyes playfully.

"Yeahhhh... No. We're all single right now since we need to focus on the band and we are not in a place more than 24 hours right now since we are on tour." Cam answered with a surprisingly deep and true answer.

" CAM FOR PRESIDENT EVERYONE!!" I shout into the microphone. I just love killing moments like that. They all laughed as usual, cause I'm just a funny girl aren't I. When the interviewer went to the next fan to ask a question, I cut him off, saying,

"YES! YOU'RE A BOY! " I ,once again, shouted. I love our male fans. They're the best.

"I'm a man, thank you very much." The male fan replies in a girly voice and some sass. Oh. I guess not.

"If you would be a Disney Princess, who would you be?" He asks grinning.

" Well, I would be Aurora. From Sleeping Beauty. Cause you know, I like sleeping and shit." Chris answers and everyone else is nodding their head like he had said the holy gospel or something.

" You do know she was cursed and crap, right?" I ask him.

" What?!?! CURSED??? I do not want be cursed. I change my mind, I'll be Cinderella. Yeah. She's easier." He answers back.

"But she was like a maid before and was punished by her step sisters. Are you for real? Have you even watched these movies? Do you even know the stories?" I fire questions at him.

" Um... No. Not really." He says pouting as I roll my eyes at him. Typical Chris.

"What is your favorite song?" Another girl asks.

"I'm loving Green Day's 'American Idiot' recently. But I mean who wouldn't? I was jamming to the song for the whole week." I said.

"Yeah! GREEN DAY!" Dan shouts in happiness. Everyone loves Green Day.

"HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF 5SOS' VERSION OF THE SONG?" A fan asks, shouting. Dude! No need to burst my eardrums.

" 5sos?" Cam asks confused.

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