16 | Cutting Class

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Jamie couldn't sleep with all the excitement, and as a result, neither could I.

As we walked down the stairs to get to class, I rubbed my eyes, barely able to hold in a yawn. I never had a problem with sleep loss, but for some reason I just wasn't feeling good. God, staying in the school is making me lose my training standards.

"So what time exactly?" Jamie beamed, her curls bouncing up and down as we made our way down the stairs.

I honestly didn't know. These things were usually never planned, "during dinner?"

"But what time during dinner?"

"When it starts?"

She tilted her head in confusion, but continued rambling on about how excited she was to become a spy. I was going to tell her she wasn't one, but I didn't want to ruin her dream. I may be a secret agent, but I wasn't a dream crusher. There's a difference.

As we turned down the hall towards Bradworth's class, I heard footsteps speeding up behind me. I was too exhausted to react, so I just waiting till they grabbed my hand and tugged on it. I turned around to see Tom standing behind me, his eyes glazed over with hope.

"Hey," he said, before squinting his eyes, "what happened to you?"

Jamie stopped walking to see what the commotion was, but rolled her eyes when she saw the boy. Giving me a glance, she mouthed the words I'll be in there, and disappeared into the classroom.

"Um," I mumbled, "I just didn't get a lot of sleep."

"Oh, sorry about that."

"It's okay," I nodded, "what's up?"

I saw his eyes flicker around the hallway, as if he was checking to see if anyone was listening. I raised an eye in questioning, and he lowered his voice.

"Do you want to ditch class?" He said under his breath.

I shook my head, "I thought you weren't using your privilege anymore?"

"Come on, lighten up."

"I'm not ditching class."

"Just this once?" He pleaded, sticking out his bottom lip.

I narrowed my eyes, prepared to say no. I was about to decline, but then I hesitated, thinking it through. I didn't like class, I was about to leave the school as soon as I caught Claire, so maybe ditching would be fun. I wasn't going to outright say that, or course.

"Fine," I said, pursing my lips, "where are we going?"

He winked, nodding towards the school's lobby behind him. I trudged cautiously along, a little unsure and a little suspicious about all of this. He slipped past the security desk, down the front stairs, and towards the side of the school.

"Where are you taking me?" I yelled softly. If he was trying to murder me, he chose the wrong person.

He pulled out a pair of keys from his pocket, pointing in front of him. A yellow Volkswagen buggy was parked in front of a tiny garage, it's blinkers shining as he unlocked it.

"Oh, no, no, no," I laughed nervously, "please tell me we aren't getting in that thing."

"Yes, we are," Tom grinned, "let's go."

"I thought we were ditching class, not leaving the entire school!"

"Same difference."


Dismissed ⤯ Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now