11 | Trolley Tales

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"Are you coming, or not?"

My ears perked up at the sound of Jamie's voice. I was digging through my suitcase for my wallet, which had unfortunately made its way underneath all my clothes.

"Yeah, give me a second," I mumbled, before pulling the leather booklet out, "got it!"

"Took you long enough."

"It's been five mintues!"

"Five more minutes then I wanted," she shrugged, a grin on her lips.

I rolled my eyes playfully, following her out of the room. We made our way out of the building, where Oliver was waiting. He seemed invested in his book again, which was common knowledge at this point, but I didn't get it. He's been reading the same thing for a week.

"Are you bringing that to Glasgow?" I smiled, tapping on the boy's head, "I thought we were going shopping?"

He looked up, nodding his head, "I can do both."

"I don't doubt that."

"Oh, I've been meaning to tell you guys this," he said, looking at Jamie, "you'll never guess what I saw."

"Claire sucking up to the teachers?" The girl joked.

"That's not special," Oliver sighed, "it's about Tom."

"Oh?" I cut in.

"I saw him handing his phone into the Matron. Not confiscated, he willingly did it."

"He's crazy," Jamie scoffed.

"Who would have guessed that?" I said, smiling to myself.

Just then, a red and yellow trolley came bumbling in front of the school. It looked polished and shiny, but the engine sounded worn out. I cast a questioning look towards my two friends, and they shrugged.

"Apparently they've used the same bus for years," Oliver said, "that's why it's so out of date."

We climbed onto the trolley, and filed into the front seats, waiting for everyone to get on. Once they did, we were off to Glasgow, a city I surprisingly had not been to before; I usually take London missions. It was a bumpy ride as the bus drove over the hills, and I occasionally had to regain my balance with one of the poles. We finally came to a stop, and everyone eagerly started to push off of the bus.

"Why is everyone so frantic?" I asked, almost being shoved by a running student.

"They can finally be free," Oliver laughed, "the school had no jurisdiction over what they do on this land."

"But the law still does," Jamie grinned, "want to grab something to eat?"

I shrugged. I was a little hungry, considering I skipped breakfast, but I needed to update my mission report first.

"Do they have a phone booth somewhere around here?" I asked.

If I couldn't mark my mission report down on my actual phone, I'd need to use one of the telephone booths. Yeah, I get that they're old fashioned, but that's besides the point.

"Yeah, just around the corner there," Jamie said, pointing behind me, "We'll be eating at Gregor's, meet us there."

"Sweet, I will."

I gave them a wave, before running off towards the place she told me to go. I found one of the glass telephone booths outside of a pharmacy, and slipped inside. Popping a few quarters in, I picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Thank you for ordering a pizza. How would you like it?"

"Pepperoni," I said, "hold the mushrooms."

I heard a click on the other side, and a mechanical whirring. I was being redirected to the HQ report line.

"BIC Headquarters. State your Agent Number."


"Mission report recording."

"Nine Forty-Eight," I said, clearing my throat, "the school has taken a trip to Glasgow. Last night I received a note from the thief, telling me to leave the school. I have not officially been compromised, but they stole my student file from the headmasters office."

"Awaiting Sign-Off.."

"Signing off, Agent-"

I was cut off by the sound of someone tapping on the glass. I flinched, coming face to face with a pair of Hazel eyes.

"47..." I finished, before quickly hanging up the phone.

Tom was grinning at me, his eyebrows raised. Did he hear my conversation? How did he know where I was? A million thoughts came flooding in, and my eyes widened in panic. Opening the door, I stepped out cautiously.

"How long have you been standing there...?" I asked the boy.

He was wearing a white cardigan, and his hair was wavier than usual. His cheeks were also a little rosy...but that's besides the point. I needed to set my mind on what was most important.

"Not long," he said, crossing his arms, "who were you calling?"

"No one."

"Your mom?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Your boyfriend?"

I rolled my eyes, brushing past him. He just wanted to get a laugh out of whoever I was talking too. If he was an actual threat, he wouldn't be guessing like that. I let out a sigh of relief, making my way towards the corner, before Tom called out to me.

"Hey!" he yelled, "where are you going?"

I turned around, a frown on my face, "Gregor's!"


"None of your business!"

I was about to turn away again, but he ran after me and grabbed my wrist. My natural instinct was to elbow him in the face out of habit, but I stopped myself before an accident happened.

"Do you want to grab a drink?" he asked, "with me?"

"Isn't it a little too early for that?"

"Relax, I don't mean alcohol. I was going to get some apple juice, or something."

"Apple juice?"

"Yeah, it's good here."

"I don't know," I sighed, "I'm supposed to meet Jamie and-"

"I thought we were starting over," Tom said, "to be friends, right?"

"Well, yeah-"

"So is it a yes or no?"

I glanced at the ground, unsure. I didn't want to ditch my friends, but getting close to the headmaster's son could benefit my mission. Friendship immunity, if you think of it like that. I can get info about the other students without getting in trouble.

"Fine," I answered, "but you're paying."

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