Chapter Eleven: Resupply and Repairs

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, she should be ready to go." Stepping away from the doorway. Naosu leaves the Pack but looks back at you before leaving. "Just take your time and meet me out here when you're ready. None of us want you to pull anything while you're still healing." The door closes shut as Naosu walks away. Leaving you alone inside the Pack. Once you're sure that he was gone. You walk over to your helmet and pick it up. Cautious not to reopen the wound in your stomach. Pulling out the book, you duck down and slide it under one of the storage cabinets. Hiding it from the rest of the group.

Now with your book hidden away. You walk over to the door to leave the Pack. As soon as you step outside, you see your heavily damaged Klaxosaur sitting in the middle of the camp. It had been moved slightly to allow for Naosu to work on what he could. But even with two whole weeks' worth of repairs. Saying that the suit was in good shape was probably being too generous. The actual body of the Klaxosaur was in a nearly perfect condition and had no track of a hole in its stomach. Though this wasn't a result of Naosu's hard work. Instead, something that had been built into the suit itself. The armor, however, was in a far worse state

Most of what was left of the armor were jagged and bent. Resulting in it looking like the only thing holding it together was baling wire and duct tape. The Klaxosaurs head and chest were the most well-armored parts of its body. So these parts were least affected by the acid bath. Meaning that it didn't really need much immediate work done on it. Though the loose pieces that had come off while inside the Klaxosaur were still missing. As well as the glass eye cover still having a crack in it. One of the blue crests had likewise at some point fallen off. That wasn't all that was missing, however. The entire left arm had been stripped of its armor plating. While the right arm seemed to have had the most work done on it. Giving the two limbs an asymmetrical look to them. The unit's legs also seemed like they had worked down. But at some point, the repairs had stopped. Leaving them half-finished.

"Hey Warrior, over here!" Naosu yells over to you, drawing your attention off the busted Klaxosaur. He and Naomi were standing close to a small makeshift tent that they had constructed the day prior. "How are you feeling, Warrior?" He asks as you walk up to the two of them. "Well, I can't feel most of my body. And what I can feel. Feels like shit. I'm still regrowing my nails, and if I bend my stomach too much, the wound reopens. So all in all, pretty good considering most things." With the talk of your injuries. Your attention returns back to that of the Klaxosaur. "Are you sure this thing will run?"

"Yeah, I'm sure," Naosu says, matching your gaze to the Klaxosaur. "Her outside may be busted to high hell. But everything she needs on the inside is in top condition."

"Well, I guess we should get going." You state while setting down the helmet on a nearby crate Slipping your arms into the undersuit that hung around your waist. You moved the two sleeves over your head before zipping up the suit. "We don't want to waste any more daylight."

"Wait, you're already leaving Warrior?" Naomi spurts out as you go to grab your helmet. "I thought I told you this Naomi." Naosu cut in. "We ran out of material to fix up the suit not too long ago. And I've already had to cannibalize some parts to fix others. So if we're going to bring it back up to full strength. We'll need to find more materials to fix it with. Warrior's also feeling much better. So we're gonna head out for a bit to find stuff to repair the suit with."

Naomi looks saddened by this news. You hadn't seen her much over the past two weeks. But Naosu had told you that Naomi had gotten extremely worried about your health. Repeatedly asking to help care for your wounds. Only to be denied by the mechanic. Due to the fact she also had wounds of her own that she was healing from. You'd guess that her wanting to help you was another one of her attempts to repay you for saving her. Which, by the look on her face, made her feel worse that she couldn't help. Though, that said look quickly changes as an idea forms in her head. "I know. I could go grab your armor before you leave. I made sure to clean the dirt and, well, blood off of it." She then began to walk off before getting stopped.

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