Prologue: Enemy Unknown

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Hi everyone, in case you did not know this is my first attempt at writing a Fan Fic. With this I wanted to say that criticism is greatly appreciated, but please make sure it is the constructive kind. Also if you guessed this with have spoilers for the show in it. (and pretty early on at that.) though some major story elements will be tweaked slightly. With that said please enjoy.

Blanket disclaimer: The following is fan-based work. Darling in the Franxx and its elements are owned by Trigger and A1 Studios. New characters and elements belong to me. Please support the official release.


APE classified site

Dr. Franxx office

"Good evening Sir. The black box video from the S-Planning site and Code 182's Franxx was finally recovered. It seems that we might have finally found this mystery Klaxosaur. Would you be interested in viewing its contents now?" A disembodied robotic voice asked from all around the room.

"Of course. Do begin the playback of the incident." The cybernetically enhanced old man spoke as he turned his chair to face a large screen on the wall. Only once he was facing it did the machine activate to show static at the playback started.

For the last three months now. Something had been tearing its way through one APE facility after another. Now usually this would have gotten labeled as some out-of-control Gutenberg or Super Lehmann class. Then either ignored or forgotten about until it threatened the Sages plans. That was until three weeks ago the only survivor of its attacks made their report. In it, they had mentioned that "The Klaxosaur looked like a man." But that wasn't what had most of the top brass of APE concerned. It was a single line in the report that would turn it from a rogue beast to a potential problem:

"The Klaxosaur spoke."

All it took was one small line in the report. Then Counsel, APE, and ultimately Dr. Franxx started to dive deep into the incidents. The Council had decided to put Dr. Franxx in charge of looking into any and all information that could relate to this new mystery Klaxosaur. But all he could find only made more questions than answers.

One of the more recent incidents was discovered only a week ago. During an examination by a group of Franxx on a Plantation that had recently fallen to Klaxosaurs. They arrived to find what could only be described as a Klaxosaurian mass grave. Nearly a hundred Conrad-Classes slaughtered around the structure. All either pierced, crushed, or strangely enough, burnt. The only signs it had been there were the footprints it had left in the earth and a few hand prints made from Klaxosaur blood leading to one of the sites Magma storage areas. Meaning it likely had to problem killing its own kind.

Another one of its annoying calling cards was that it has gone out of its way to make sure there was little to no evidence of its existence. It had gone out of its way to destroy the black boxes of each APE site it had visited. Even going back to the already destroyed Franxx to crush their heads only to make sure their footage was irretrievable. making information gathering a headache for the doctor. But now it seems like the Klaxosaur has finally slipped up and allowed a still functioning black box to be recovered from a site.

"This may just be what we have been looking for." The doctor exclaims to the voice as the video finally plays.


Three weeks ago

APE S-Planning site

The recording started up with alarms blaring and workers rushing to their stations. A man and woman stand in front of a holographic command terminal, trying as hard as they can to get things under control. The panic was likely thanks to what was on the monitors or how it somehow got past their early warning system unnoticed. The video then starts to switch between cameras until it stops at the docking bay housing five standard model Franxx.

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