Revenge is sweet, Red is sweeter

Start from the beginning

"Goodbye, Kasuka. I love you. Tell mom and dad too."

Before running after the wolf, Shizuo could've sworn he saw Kasuka's face contort with some kind of emotion. He couldn't tell what or if he was just seeing things. His little brother never showed anything--even now he expected the boy to just nod blankly. Not daring to look back to check the expression Shizuo ran into the forest.


"Ow! Careful you damn idiot!" Shizuo barked at his friend.

"Now Shizuo there's no need to get hostile," replied Shinra calmly.

After chasing Izaya through the woods he realized where they were headed. A part of him dreaded the idea of dealing with Shinra then. But even Shizuo needed medical treatment. And he was in no shape to ignore wounds. Especially when some of them were deep and still bleeding. So he sat letting his crazy doctor friend fix him up.

"Don't be so fucking rough then."

"I'm surprised you're even alive now. These are some nasty wounds. You know this actually reminds me of my beloved Celty-!" Shinra chirped happily. Prattling on about some time Celty had beat him up for something or another. Shizuo stopped listening. Instead his focus shifted to the other figure in the little cottage. Izaya stood gazing out the window. His crimson eyes trained on the surroundings. The wolf's stance was relaxed, as if just gazing out admiring the scenery. But Shizuo could see the way his shoulders held tension. The grit of his jaw against his placid features. Even in the gentle sunset that spilled through the window Izaya was the picture of alertness. His ears ever so slightly twitching at any sound. Shizuo found himself wondering how he could ease the tension of Izaya's spine. Relax the tightness in his jaw, make his expression one of playful mirth just like before. His fingers itched to take the other's hand and squeeze it gently before pulling it to his lips and softly kissing it.

The intimate thought made Shizuo's face flicker with heat. What the fuck am I thinking?! He berated himself and decided he'd punch Izaya later for this. Even though it was not his fault at all.

[ Izaya POV ]

It was obvious why his pack decided to attack suddenly. It was Shiki's way of saying this game was over. That it was time to stop playing with the humans and return to the pack. Izaya however had no intention of returning. He had left years ago to be with a human, and now there was no way they'd tear him away from Shizuo. An ache of pain shot through his heart as the memories from his past came flooding back. Memories of a boy who planted the seeds of love into Izaya's cold heart long ago. Gritting his teeth the wolf pushed the thoughts back down. It wasn't the time to remember that. He had Shizuo to tend to now. His human. One that Shiki would pay for hurting. Not that he'd have allowed it before, but even more now would Izaya ever return to the pack. Not after the mess they caused and the pain they put his precious Shizu-chan through.

Looking back at the boy in question Izaya noticed how soft Shizuo's hair looked in the light. It made him want to gently tug through the locks then cup the curve of Shizuo's face in his hand delicately. Seeing the bandages littering his body made Izaya's churn in disgust. Only he was allowed to hurt Shizuo. Only he was allowed to touch him and hold him. Only he was allowed to have this monster of a human.

Izaya felt his possessive nature come out in an all too familiar way. He had no right to own Shizuo, he knew this. If SHizuo wanted to leave as soon as Shinra finished treating him Izaya knew he couldn't stop him. This independence made his heart race with fear but also flutter with affection. Shizuo was a beast and couldn't be tamed by some fleabag. But somehow Izaya wanted to, against his better judgement, hold that boy as his own. Even just a fraction of his heart would do. Sighing in frustration the wolf decided he needed something to do. Sitting in his musing was only complicating things more. He knew exactly what he felt, Izaya couldn't lie to himself. It was pointless anyway. But it just made things overly complicated when they were realized. The best he could do was prolong the inevitable. Instead he started to make some tea and busied his brain with a plan for his revenge.

That was until Izaya felt his hair stand on end. Panic instantly set in as a strange sensation overwhelmed him. There was a soft rustle on his head, gently tossing the fur between his ears, even teasing them with some pets as well. unsure of how to respond Izaya simply turned his gaze to see the one 'attacking' him. To his surprise and horror Shizuo was the culprit. Even worse he had a full warm smile tugged across his lips. THe warmth of touch and this unexpected softness from the blond sent him reeling.

"Shizu-chan...what are you doing?" he choked out.

"You looked so upset by whatever was on your mind, so I'm just trying to brush the bad thoughts away," replied Shizuo innocently. Only for his cheeks to dust themselves pink at the realization of what he had just said. "That's just what my mom does for me it's not like I care though!"

A smile began to form at Izaya's lips, "Ne, Shizu-chan is blushing~ Are you thinking something dirty?"

"W-what?! I am not! You fucking flea I ought to--"

In a swift motion Izaya pressed his finger to the blond's lips, instantly silencing him.

"Let's continue this petting game later, when Shinra is asleep," the wolf winked to add fuel to the fire.

"Little red is now a lot red!" Shinra laughed, clearly enjoying the whole display.

Shizuo, though, looked about ready to burst. Instead he stomped off to cool off outside. The sun barely shares it's light now. Izaya smirked triumphantly and finished brewing the tea. He'd give the blond a moment to cool off before anything else. He expected there would be much to talk about soon. Izaya was glad he could at least get a smile from the boy now. It filled his heart with warmth and the resolve he needed to begin his plan. Pouring them cups of tea Izaya took two and headed out to Shizuo.

"Shizu-chan, I have a present for you~" he said in a sing-songy-tone.

The sight that greeted the wolf however caused all mirth and playfulness to disappear. There, talking to his Shizu-chan...was a hunter.


I couldn't sleep this morning so I decided to be productive! Here's a long chapter. I'd also like to explain Izaya as a wolf real quick. I was talking about how he looks to my gf and it has come to my attention how unclear his physical descrption was. He looks mostly human with wolf features like a tail and ears etc. I think in older chapters I left it really ambiguous and leaning more toward him being a complete wolf. However, I don't really want that since this is Shizuo x Izaya. I'm thinking he has a full wolf form, though. When he's fighting he'd use that and when he gets angry and such it comes out. But for most of the time he looks like whats on the cover more. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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