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The wolf hunched forward, claws out. Shizuo couldn't break eye contact, that glowing red was so entrancing.

"Since I love humanity so much," Izaya pushed the blond down. "I can't let a monster like you continue to be with them." the words were spoken with coldness, but Izaya's voice was honey.

"Iza-" his voice hitched as the raven straddled the blond.

Every muscle in his body was tense, he wanted to push the wolf off and wring his scrawny little neck. Yet, his body didn't move. Izaya's body shifted on his, a small squeak came from the blond. This was mortifying.

"Ha.. Haha..haha! Do you like this, monster~?" Izaya leaned closer to Shizuo.

The blond glared in response. Caramel eyes locked on those vermilion ones. Shizuo thought they would never stop staring till-

"S h i z u-chan~" purred the wolf, annunciating each syllable of the name.

The name just rolled off that silver tongue, making the wolf's lips pop a bit with the pronunciation. Shizuo felt himself drawn to those lips, felt his mouth go dry when the wolf licked those tempting lips. Every breath became heavy, eyes trained on the wolf's lips. This couldn't be happening, thought the blond. He can't be wanting to-


Shizuo's eyes snapped to the voice calling him. They ran toward him, a small lantern lighting their path. Relief washed over the blond, a hunter had come to save him.

"Vorona!" he called back, a relieved smile on his face.

Izaya watched the woman run toward him, unamused. In all honestly he was looking forward to eating Shizuo, but this blond bitch had come to steal his meal. No doubt she was a hunter, she was covered in various weapons Izaya was all to familiar with. Even so, the wolf smirked.

"Why hello my lovely human!"

Vorona glared at him, aiming her gun.

"Please remove yourself from Shizuo-senpai." she said through her thick Russian accent.

"And here I thought you'd happily let me eat him."

"Negative. I am here to recuse Shizuo-senpai. I will not allow you to harm him."

"What a wonderful human you are! Why would you want to rescue a beast like him?" he gestured to the blond.

The woman looked at Shizuo.

"Shizuo-senpai is human. I have fought beast."

Vorona was something else Shizuo found himself thinking. She saw him as human, not the monster most people saw. She was afraid of him at first though, but in the end they became friends. The blond had very few friends, those that were his friends he cared deeply for.

Izaya just laughed.

Though he laughed the wolf was feeling rather annoyed the girl ignored him.

"Are you alright, Shizuo-senpai?" asked the blonde, still looking at Shizuo.

Izaya clicked his tongue, this girl was annoying him. But he still loved her like any other human, so he got off Shizuo

"I'm okay." the blond said, eyes still on Izaya.

Vorona trained her gun at the wolf, ready to kill. Izaya smirked in return, hands firmly on his hips.

"Well, party's over." he sighed and stretched his back. "I'm bored now, cya round!~"

"Iza-" the blond was cut off.


Vorona had fired her gun.

All shizuo did was blink. Suddenly Izaya's razor sharp claws were inches from Vorona's throat. Before he could utter a word the woman was skidding back and swinging a high velocity kick at the wolf's incoming claw. Izaya was just as quick though, diving under the kick and going for the throat again. Shizuo felt annoyance tick. He really hated violence.

"That's enough!!" he roared, grabbing Izaya by the scruff of his neck, yanking him away from the hunter.

"The hell Shizu-chan!-" the wolf squirmed in the iron grasp of the blond.

"I do not understand your motive for this, Shizuo-senpai." the hunter aimed her gun at the wolf again.

"Put that damn thing down!"

"Wolf is target, I can not comply."

Annoyed by being ignored again Izaya sniggered.

"Don't laugh flea!"

With a smirk Izaya twisted in the death grip, latching his arms around Shizuo's neck.

"Notice me senpai~"

The blond stuttered and felt a slight heat creep up his neck.

Vorona glared. "Release Shizuo-senpai, monster."

Ignoring Vorona the wolf leaned in closer, a hand brushing against the back of the other man's neck. The feather light touch sent a shiver down Shizuo's spine, this wolf had his head reeling. The blond's eyes were trained on Izaya's pink lips that were ever so slightly parted.


The feeling of Izaya's breath near his own lips made Shizuo feel heavy. He felt his eyelids drop and his breathing quicken slightly. The thrumming in his chest sent warning flags to his brain. It screamed danger. But Shizuo was to enraptured by the touches Izaya offered that he failed to notice how far the wolf's hands had gone over his shoulders.

Suddenly the hood of Shizuo's cape was pulled over his head, successfully distracting him; in turn causing him to drop the squirming flea, so Izaya could escape. Shizuo fumbled with the hood, yelling something to the affect of you bean sprout flea bastard, I'll kill you!

By the time the blond had untangled himself from the hood the wolf had scampered off. With a huff he turned his attention back to Vorona. The hunter was holstering her weapon.

"You okay, Vorona?"

"Affirmative. Is Shizuo-senpai ill?"

Shizuo arched an eyebrow at her question. "Huh? No."

The hunter only nodded then continued.

"Wolf's motive is unclear, more information is required."

"Yeah, let's do that back home though." smiled Shizuo.

Picking up the lantern the hunter lead the way back to the path. Both blonds walked back to their home, no sign of any wolves.

However, Shizuo couldn't keep his thoughts off the fleabag. Remembering the touches and closeness made his stomach feel funny, he didn't like it. But his mind could only think tender thoughts, an occasional kill was jumbled in though. Vorona on the other hand thought very different things.

"I will kill that beast."


The part where Shizuo calls Izaya a bean sprout flea bastard is actually something Shizuo calls him in canon. I read on Tumblr that in one of the novels Shizuo actually calls him that. When translated though, its changed a bit. Anywho, hope you liked this chapter!~ sorry about mistakes.

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