Chapter 7

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The stranger's eyes began to open, but it was only to the sound of a nearby alarm clock. Morning light barely peeked through the closed blinds of the bedroom, illuminating the early hours of a summer's day.

A Samsung Galaxy sat on a nightstand table and read 6:00 AM in large white numbers. To silence the horrible alarm clock, the stranger reached out with a well-built arm and pressed a button on the phone. Pushing the covers off the bed, the stranger walked lethargically towards the windows and opened the windows to let the room air for a little bit. The blinds were pulled up as well, and the stranger hissed as the morning light shot into their eyeballs like a thousand knives.

Walking out into the kitchen, the stranger was still rubbing their eyes furiously. Despite the smell of coffee brewing, the stranger was unleashing a string of expletives on the very concept of waking up early in the morning.

Nevertheless, the stranger drank their coffee, but nothing could have eased the ill-tempered mood that was normal for the stranger to have, even after the morning had passed.

After scrolling on the phone through email and text messages for any suspicious news, the stranger finished their coffee and went to complete a workout routine for maintaining a shape of peak performance.

Once it was complete, it was 7:00, a perfect time before it was time to leave. Stepping into a shower that was in the shape of a large cubicle, the stranger was surrounded by marble walls that resembled the color of maple syrup. The knob was switched on, and soon enough, soap bubbles flowed down to the tile-covered floor gracefully like flower petals in a river. Leaving the water hot, the stranger allowed the steam to spread rapidly within the shower, transforming it into a personal sauna.

When the rinsing portion was done, the stranger stepped out onto the mat and grabbed for the mint green towel near them. Stepping in front of the mirror, the stranger began their morning beauty routine before stepping into the walk-in closet to find an outfit for the day: A black pantsuit with a yellow blouse underneath it. Afterward, a subtle amount of make-up was applied to match the perfect outfit for the day, and the stranger was all set.

Grabbing a bag and checking around the house to see if anything was out of place, the stranger took out their car keys and walked out the front door.

Dinah Laurel Lance


If only alarm clocks didn't exist...Grrr! But this city's not gonna run by itself!

#workday #StarCity

8:15 A.M – 15 June 2018

Dinah Laurel Lance


Love a good pick-me-up now and then. Coffee's amazing but nothing beats a cronut!

#Cassidy'sBakedGoods #yummygoodness

8:30 A.M – 15 June 2018

The woman sat in her office, flipping through seemingly endless in the court document about the Greenburg case after ending a conversation with a client on the phone. She was only so far into work, and the woman already knew that it was going to be another long day in the office.

Day after day, case after case, the work of a district attorney seemed to never end. Nevertheless, it did feel strange for the woman to be on the other side of the desk when she had never had a job before. At least not one the authorities could regard as illegal anyway.

Suddenly, the office telephone buzzed angrily, and the woman pressed on the answer button.

"Ms. Lance," Her secretary answered. "Your 9:30 appointment is here."

"Thanks, Etta." The woman hung up and moved from her seat to her office door, where she welcomed her next client after security went through his personal effects.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Rhodes." the woman shook her latest client's hand. "I'm-"

"Oh, I know who you are." Marcus Rhodes shook her hand. "I've heard so much about you."

The woman raised an eyebrow. "Is that right?" Well, Mr. Rhodes, that's simply not possible." She said as she walked towards her desk. "See, you know my name, but that doesn't mean you know me, does it?"

"Right, I see what you mean," Marcus said to her.

The woman coolly flipped through a case document that detailed the case her latest client was involved in and gave the man a coy smile.

"With all due respect, Mr. Rhodes," The woman said to him. "If you did, you wouldn't bother to waste time thinking at all."

Roy and Thea stood outside of the hospital room, looking into the ARGUS med bay through a large Plexiglass window that was surrounded by reinforced titanium.

"So...this is her?" Roy's hand wavered as he gestured towards the patient who was being treated inside the med bay.

"Why?" Sara asked beside him. "Were you expecting someone else?"

"No, no, that's not it," Roy said to her. "Now that we know who had that Hōzen, I just thought we'd finally get some clarity here, but..." His head dropped in his hand as he combed his fingers right through his russet-colored hair.

"Yeah." Sara nodded sympathetically. "We're left with more questions than answers. Believe me, I know how you feel."

"So, how long has she been like this?" Thea asked Sara.

"Since the night it all happened," Sara replied to her grimly. "As far as we know right now, she could have been the last person who saw William before," Her voice trailed, unsure of how to describe the chaotic night a few weeks ago. "Everything."

"This case is more than crazy," Thea said to them. "It's...I don't have a word that can describe this case. Fuck!" She let out a frustrated sigh before calming herself down. "First William, then Zoe, and now her? Who's next?" She gestured to the comatose Earth-2 Dinah Laurel Lance, who was resting inside the secured med bay.

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