Chapter Eight - French Fries & Hot Brothers

Start from the beginning

Jenna shot me an apologetic look as she quickly jumped up and shoved her stuff into her bag "Tell me about it during Spanish?" she offered with a smile. I nodded my head and got up from my seat, following her movements as I gathered my own stuff and placed it neatly into my backpack.

Jenna and I had our first and last classes together every day, and even though I wouldn't say we were friends, we had sat together during both classes and lunch ever since I had met her on Monday. The same – and last -  day I had spoken to Caden.

Who, speaking of, I had class with right now.

I waved Jenna off with a quick bye as we went our separate ways and disappeared into the crowd of students rushing to get to their classes. 

I entered the classroom with my books tucked safely under my arms, and once again I couldn't help the direction of my eyes as they landed on Caden sitting in his usual spot in the back of the class. He was busy typing away on his phone, his eyes glued to the screen as he rolled his lip ring around his tongue in concentration.

Too occupied admiring how soft and plump his lips looked, and how the little silver ring would catch the sunlight every so often, I forgot to pay attention to where I was going. Before I could comprehend what was going on, a body crashed into mine from behind and I dropped my books to the floor as I struggled to keep my balance.

My eyes, which still hadn't left Caden, met his as he looked up from his phone at the sound of the sudden commotion.

"Watch where you're going, freak." I heard someone say from behind me, and I looked up to meet the eyes of one of our classmates, Timothy.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, even though Timothy was the one who crashed into me. I didn't want to cause a scene.

He grunted lowly before making his way around me and taking a seat behind one of his friends who, along with the rest of the class, was staring at me in amusement.

I could feel  the color in my cheeks as I ducked down towards the floor to pick up the books I had dropped. I tried to ignore the eyes burning into me as I did so, and quickly made my way towards the seat at the front of the class where I hid myself behind a curtain of my hair.

God, I hoped this day would be over soon.

Luckily, the next few classes did pass a little quicker than usual, and before I knew it the bell was ringing signalizing the end of the last class of the day.

"Hey, I was meaning to ask you for your number." Jenna said as we were cleaning up our tables.

I looked up at her in surprise. In all honesty, that was the first time someone my age had asked me for my number without it being school related.

"Oh, y-yeah sure." I stuttered with a nervous smile and reached into my backpack to get my phone out. I didn't actually know my own number by head, but I had it saved in my contacts.

As I unlocked the screen I noticed a missed call and a text from my mom.

Something came up, can't pick you up, take the bus. Love mom.

I groaned as I read over the text. I spent my last bit of change on those stupid fries during lunch, I didn't have money to take the bus.

"What's up?" Jenna asked me as she flung her bag over her shoulder.

"My mom was supposed to pick me up,  but she can't, and I don't have any money for the bus." I told her with a sigh, already dreading the long walk home I had ahead of me.

"Oh well my brother is picking me up today, I'm sure he won't mind dropping you off at your house."

"I don't want to be a bother..." I replied hesitantly.

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