Chapter 31: Decathlon Start!

Start from the beginning

"Everything is going to be okay... she's gonna make it..." were Izukus last thoughts before he drifted off into slumber.

As he had just fallen into a deep sleep, the alarm clock went off. The sound made him jump up in bed and look around the room in a confused manner.

"It's morning already? I feel like I barely slept..." he said to himself as he stretched a little.

"Oh Midoriya! You're up!" Iida said as he walked out of the bathroom. He was in a casual outfit instead of being in his uniform.

"Uhh, Iida... why are you wearing that?" Izuku asked as he saw him.

"Oh... well, it was supposed to be a surprise... but, we asked the school if both classes could go as support and they allowed it! So Class1-A and 1-B will be cheering you on in the crowd." Iida said as he had a huge smile on his face.

"Really? T-that... that's awesome Iida..." Izuku said with a smile.

"Well, hurry up and get ready! Im going to head downstairs to make sure everyone is ready." Iida said as he started to leave the room.

Izuku smiled. Even though Uraraka wasn't going to be there, it was nice to know that he would see some familiar and friendly faces in the crowd. Also, his mom would be there, so he now had more support than he could imagine. He got up from bed and started to get ready for the decathlon. He put on a pair of navy blue pants and a grey polo shirt with the school logo on it. He grabbed his things and started to make his way downstairs. When he checked his phone, he noticed there was a text from Uraraka that he had recieved a couple of hours ago.

Ocha: Im getting on the plane now! I'll see you soon! Luv u XOXO

"Man you gotta love this girl... well atleast she's on her way. Hope she makes it in time..." Izuku thought as the elevator doors opened and he stepped out.

Once he made it to the common area he saw everyone from both classes swarming around.

"Hey! There he is!" Kaminari shouted as Izuku walked in.

"Midoriya! How you feeling my man?" Sato shouted as he stood on the table.

"Well Im kinda nervous... but I gue-" Izuku ouldn't finish as Iida ran toward the table Sato was on.

"SATO GET DOWN FROM THERE THIS INSTANT!" Iida shouted at him from across the room.

The class laughed in unision as the members of the decathlon team met in the middle of the group.

"You guys ready for this?" Midoriya asked.

"I was born ready!" Kendo said.

"Let's go out there and win this!" Yaoyorozu said earning a cheer from the class.

"Speech, speech, speech, speech!" Shouted the crowd as they all wanted to hear something from one of the members.

"M-Monoma... you wanna do the honors?" Hatsume asked.

"Me? It should be Midoriya!" He said pointing at Izuku.

"Me? Why me?" He asked nervously.

"Because you're the smartest here... if it wasn't for you, some of us wouldn't understand some topics..." Yaoyorozu said with a smile.

"COME ON MIDORIYA! GIVE US A SPEECH!" Shouted Mina who was clearly way too excited.

Izuku slowly got up on the table and looked at the group of students that stood infront of him. He was terrifed at first, but then he started to feel more confident.

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