Things I do for you

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Moonbyul accompanied Solar to her room and without saying a word, she went back to hers. Solar had hurt her once again.


The next morning, girls were having their breakfast in cafeteria and the maknaes could feel something was wrong. Solar and Moonbyul were not talking. They didn’t even look at each other. Looking at the situation, Wheein and Hwasa decided not to meddle and just concentrate on the breakfast.

After a few minutes which seemed like hours, Solar spoke.  Solar was telling them their schedule for the week when she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

She turned around to see Jae-Sung standing in front of her.
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” Jae-Sung asked with an apologetic tone. Solar straightaway said no. He requested her several times. “Please, it’s really important. I won’t take more than a minute.”

Solar didn’t want to make a scene so she agreed. She got up and went with him. They went to a spot where they were inaudible to the members but could clearly be seen.

“What is going on unnie? Did you fight with Solar unnie?” Hwasa asked as she couldn’t just sit and watch. “Not really but sort of yes. I cannot tell you guys right now.”
“We understand but if you need anything please tell us.  You are not alone. We are a group now, we are one. Please remember this.”

Moonbyul was really touched by the youngest member’s words and she promised that she will tell about incident when she gets chance.
They all looked at Jae-Sung and Solar and were waiting for their leader to come back. Moonbyul couldn’t believe what she saw next. She saw Solar give a hug to Jae-Sung and they were smiling at each other.

‘Wow I really gotta learn his ways’ is what she thought in her mind. She wondered what he said that made Solar forgive him so easily.

Solar was back after her talk with Jae-Sung and her mood had suddenly changed. She was cheerful now. Moonbyul was envious of how Jae-Sung made her happy. They continued to talk about their schedule and had their breakfast.

They also had a meeting with their CEO afterwards about some important points. They were asked if they could participate in a show called immortal songs where idols can show their vocals and since Mamamoo were from a small company, they thought it could be a great opportunity for them to get recognition.

They agreed to participate in the show but the problem was that they had to perform songs and Moonbyul being a rapper did not have confidence in her singing. They discussed about it and gave Moonbyul a chance to show how she could fit her rap into songs. The CEO asked them to prepare a performance by the next day then the decision would be taken.

They planned out everything within few hours and kept practicing. They did not want to miss this opportunity. In the middle of the practice, Solar remembered that she had to be somewhere and promised that she would be back soon. The other girls also went to take rest and decided to practice after Solar gets back.

After few hours, the three girls were gathered in the practice room and were waiting for their leader. 

Solar was late for the first time.

“Unnie is never late, what is happening to her?” Wheein was surprised by Solar’s behavior.

Looking at the opportunity, Moonbyul told the younger girls what had happened between her and Solar.
They were shocked. Solar was not like this, she never treated Moonbyul like this. Hwasa and Wheein gave a comforting hug to Moonbyul. They talked her out and tried to make her laugh. That was the only thing they could do to make her feel okay.

It was now dinner time and Solar had still not arrived nor had she replied to their messages. They decided to eat without her. They were in cafeteria and were halfway through their meal when then saw Solar walk in with Jae-Sung. He went towards his group and Solar went to sit with the girls.

“I am so sorry I know I am late” she said while sitting on a chair beside Moonbyul.
“Now I understood what took you so long” Wheein said while looking in Jae-Sung’s direction.
Solar blushed but everyone seemed annoyed. Four of them didn’t talk much and left for their rooms once the dinner was over.

Moonbyul and Solar walked together as their rooms were in the same hallway. They didn’t talk and completely ignored each other’s presence.

While going back, they ran into their CEO.
“I hope you girls are ready to perform the song tomorrow.”
“Yes, we have practiced a lot. I hope you will like it.” Solar said with a smile.
“I’m looking forward to it, especially your rap” He looked at Moonbyul. “Do your best” he wished them luck and left.

“Shit” Yongsun said under her breath once he left.
She looked at Moonbyul with a worried face and Moonbyul had the same expression.
“I am sorry, I totally forgot about it.” Solar said.
“Yes you should be sorry, we were supposed to write my rap before dinner. We are screwed. What am I supposed to do now?” Moonbyul started panicking.
“Okay, okay, calm down. We can still write your rap, it’s not late. Come to my room, we will write it together.” Solar assured Moonbyul.

After a lot of thinking, Byul agreed.
“Okay, it looks like the only option we have. Let me gather my notes and I’ll be there”

Please don't date her (MoonSun)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora