Jack crossed his arms and peered down at Will, who had collapsed into the chair beside Hannibal. "Alana recommended him." Will looked defeated as Jack continued. "Her theory is that if you have a psychiatrist, your mind won't suffer as much as it did."

"My mind didn't suffer." hissed Will, his body growing ridged. "People suffered. Children suffered because of what I did."

"You made a mistake--"

"My mistake cost 8 kids their lives!" Will's voice was sharp, startling Hannibal. He watched the boy carefully while he continued. "I'm not going to be responsible for more deaths."

"You will if you don't use your talent." Jack took a seat behind his desk. "If you do nothing, people are going to die and murderers are going to walk."

Will let out a hollow laugh. "You sound like Kaia."

"How is Kaia?" asked Jack, struggling to find a friendly tone.

"She broke up with me last week, thanks for asking. After saying I was wasting my talent...." Will sat up as if struck by a pin. He searched Agent Crawford's face. "Did you talk to her?"

"We exchanged words."

"How dare you?!" The boy stared daggers into Jack and Hannibal felt more and more like he was listening in on a private conversation. "Messing with my car is one thing, but convincing my girlfriend to break up with me--"

"I did no such thing." Jack exclaimed. "I asked her about your mental health and whether she thought you could handle--"

"That's not your place!" Will's voice was quiet and steady. "I can handle it. Question is if I'm going to be preventing deaths or causing them." He let out a slow breath. "There are plenty of people who can do what I do. Why not get someone like Dr. Bloom for this case?"

"Because you have a gift, Will." His voice was firm. "Nobody can do what you do. You have a talent and that talent has saved lives."

The boy snorted. "It also took lives."

Jack banged on the table, and Hannibal gazed at him with mild amusement. Only weak men had to be loud to be heard. The agent's gaze was locked in on Will. "You. Have. To. Let. Them. Go."

Will looked up from his lap and stared directly into Agent Crawford's eyes. Hannibal sensed that the eye contact was a rarity and something Will did not do often. "I can't let them go, Jack. I've spent the last 6 months trying."

"Dr. Lecter is here to help you."

Will turned and surveyed Hannibal. He seemed to take in everything-- the way he wore his ties, his neutral expression, his carefully cleaned shoes-- and pick it apart, piece by piece. When his blue eyes finally met Hannibal's, the doctor was amused to see some frustration and curiosity in the boy's expression.

"Huh." Will said simply, his eyes narrowing. He maintained eye contact for a moment longer before breaking it to look at Jack. "What's the case?"

Agent Crawford's shoulders relaxed and he smiled smugly. Will rolled his eyes. "Don't think this means I'm taking it. I'm just... curious about the case that made Agent Jackson Lee Crawford ask for help."

Jack frowned. "My name's not Jackson, nor Lee. And I'm not asking for--" He stopped and sighed. "I forgot how much you enjoy irritating people."

"It comes above fishing and below stealing dogs." He smiled, but it appeared thin and forced.

The older agent grabbed a manilla folder off of the messy stack of papers that covered his desk. Hannibal wondered how he got to his position with such carelessness.

Will opened the folder and skimmed it, his eyes darting impossibly fast from behind his glasses. He took out pictures and laid them on the desk. There were 8, all girls with brown hair and brown eyes. They all were pretty in a plain way, and looked to be about 18 or 19.

Jack stood from his chair and began to walk around the room. "We have 8 different girls, all missing from their colleges." He went on to explain each detail of the case. Hannibal took no interest in it, instead watching Will's reaction. He was pleased to see that Will wasn't weak minded, and could pay attention though he was tired.

When Jack finished, Will searched through the folder again. "The killer may have a daughter. A girl who fits the description. I'd need to see the crime scene before making my assessment."

Jack uncrossed his arms and Hannibal could practically smell his enthusiasm. "So you'll do it?"

Will ran a hand through his hair. He looked to be carefully weighing his options. Finally, he looked up. "I'll do it." Jack's smile widened. "On the condition that I don't have to go to therapy with Dr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome."

"Will." hissed Jack. He looked at Hannibal apologetically, like the parent of a toddler who just asked a lady if she was pregnant.

Hannibal fought to keep his amusement off his face. "It's quite alright, Agent Crawford." He turned to Will. "I can't decide whether to be flattered at the handsome part or disappointed that you described me as a cliche."

Will sat up, suddenly interested. The doctor detected a certain aura of respect in his eyes. "Well played, doc. You'll be a tricky one."

"You have to have a psych-evaluation to be on the field. Every agent has to do, and you're no exception." said Jack.

"Technically, I'm not an agent— I'm a special agent." Will's tone was mocking. "Which means I'm special and I get my name on a sticker that says I've been a good boy and I get to work for the government."

Jack ignored his comments. "Alana will have my ass if you don't, and that woman terrifies me." The agent raised an eyebrow. "You're going."

Will's face twitched. Hannibal could tell he didn't want to go, that he had things he wanted to stay buried. He could also sense that Will knew when he could when an argument, and this wasn't it.

"Fine." The boy forced a smile. "I'll go. But I want to be clear that I'm going to hate every second of it."

"You're such a teenager." Jack sighed.

Will shrugged, then turned to Dr. Lecter. His face grew solemn and slightly puzzled. "Just don't psycho analyze me. You won't like me psycho analyzed."He grinned suddenly. "Now I have to go teach a class... on psycho analyzing."

Hannibal watched him go. The room felt colder in his wake.

"You did good." Jack supplied, almost proudly. "Most people get uncomfortable when Will does his dog and pony show."

"I don't understand what you mean by that." The doctor crossed his legs.

"Will enjoys teasing people, making others uncomfortable. He'll see a married man and call him sexy or make fun of his colleagues just to get on their nerves. You didn't give him a reaction, which is... admirable. Hell, even I react sometimes."

"Does he do it for the attention or to push people away?"

Jack pondered the question, then laughed. "No, I think he does it as a test. He has few friends and is the most loyal person I know, but he chooses them carefully. Wants to see if they're worthy, if they pass his test."

Hannibal pursed his lips. "Tell me, agent. Did I pass?"

Jack raised his eyebrows. "With flying colors."

Eeeek alright, there you go, you bread ducks. Devour it whole. I hope you enjoyed. I like writing sassy Will but give me your suggestions.
Wear your seat belts and use protection.

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