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My life had suddenly become a whole lot stranger in the course of only a few days. It was Wednesday morning when I arrived at school late, as I often do, so I had gone to the office to collect a late note, which I also often do. Then two boys, Jack and Ethan started attacking each other, rolling on the floor, fighting over a silly black notebook.

I didn't want to believe it when they told me. There was no way that a notebook could have the power to kill someone just by having their name written in it. It wasn't until I saw the death god of the notebook, a Shinigami, that I believed. Me, Billy and Ethan were terrified at first (Ethan hadn't seen him yet either). It turned out that he was actually quite friendly, he said his name was Gallu. Neither me nor Billy felt that the death note was 'evil'. We also didn't agree when Ethan suggested we should destroy it.

I got the feeling that all four of us weren't living charmed lives, only Ethan seemed to be battling with some deeper moral issue.

Even so, Jack's idea of using the notebook to kill for personal gain was a little...frightening. I didn't know what we should do, or why I was involved, but I was glad that I was. The idea of a death note existing and the fact that we were in possession of it was exhilarating.

Terrifying, but exhilarating.

On Wednesday Jack explained everything to us in an empty classroom while Ethan got patched up in the infirmary. It turned out the poor reception lady had given herself a heart attack from running and trying to find help. Ethan became instantly suspicious and started to question Jack about it but he said he didn't even know her name. It was Mrs Sanders or something, I think. It turned out that she hadn't ended up dying and only went to hospital, so Ethan was able to relax on the knowledge that no one had used the death note on her.

She was in a hospitalised condition and wouldn't be returning to her job at school for a while. I was sure glad she hadn't said anything about the fight to anyone. It was Thursday at lunch time when I met Gallu and realised that the death note was authentic. If it wasn't for Billy and Ethan looking just as horrified as I had I would've thought I was going freaking crazy.

Today it was Friday, and I'd gotten myself to school unnaturally early (especially for me) to head to the same empty classroom in the Visual Arts Block where we'd meet again. I guess that just showed how exhilarated I felt deep down. Gallu also seemed excited at the prospect of another meeting. I walked through the eerily empty school and was reminded of a ghost town. I pulled out my headphones and could hear talking, including the raspy voice of the death god when I was a few feet from the door. I turned the handle and they all stopped and turned to face who'd walked in.

Jack was slouching against the wall while the other boys sat on chairs, Ethan straight-backed and Billy hunched. Gallu squatted on top of the desk in front of them.

Inside their circle lay the notebook... They looked relieved when they saw it was only me.

"You were supposed to get here at seven. It's closer to eight." Jack scolded.

"Fashionably late," I told him irritably.

I swung my bag off and pulled out a chair next to Gallu. I didn't mind him at all, actually, I thought he was interesting and funny. Jack found him annoying while Ethan treated him like any other normal person. Billy was always visibly on edge when Gallu was nearby.

"Well we're all here now." Jack began "So let's talk about the most important thing: what are we going to do with the death note?"

"I say we share it." I called out immediately. Jack raised an eyebrow.

Death Note: Blood TiesWhere stories live. Discover now