Both our heads turn to him and he takes his seat next to me. "Here? Right now?" I ask, nervously brushing my hair back with my hand.

"How do you know?" Jungkook asks.

"Just this person...I've seen them outside the building over the past few months when I'd go home early, I thought it was just because they lived near, but they always had their hat pulled down."

Jungkook frowns. "Did he have a camera? 5'5"? A young build?"

The hairs on my neck stand and I shudder at the thought of being followed. I wonder if the feeling I feel is what it actually feels like to be watched or followed.

"You've seen him too?"

"It's a guy?" I ask in surprise.

Their heads move up and down in synchronization.

Jungkook looks back at Taehyung. "I think I know the guy you're talking about. I haven't seen him at the company, but once before."

Taehyung leans forward. "Where?"

I feel my knees start shaking and try to keep my heart at ease as they get more and more serious and I realize that this is real life. They might actually be being followed.

Can you stop being so pathetic. They're being followed not you.

I'm worried about them.

No you selfish arse, you're afraid that it's you.

Jungkook glances at me. "The night I found you at the pharmacy. I got off across the street and he was standing nearby. I ignored him, but I found it strange that he just stood there, and he had the camera. The whole way back to the apartment i had that weird sensation we were being followed, but I thought I was just tired."

My heart seems to stop as I remember the trash can and how I ran and felt like I wouldn't survive the night.

If that was real...if that night those feelings were right, then what about every other time?

What if it was a coincidence?

Taehyung sees my expression and fills me a glass of water. With shaking hands, I drink it all. They help calm me down.

"It's okay. This happens every once in a while. We can black list them and have them investigated–" Taehyung stops when Jungkook raises his hand.

He looks at me curiously. "What is it?"

They both have their eyes on me now and I try to control the fear that starts to make my breathing quicker.

"I had the feeling that I was being followed on the night I saw you." I recall the events of the night with them. "–so I ruled out that it was real. The medication always gave me weird side effects. Maybe it was your sasaeng? I don't know."

There's a knock on the door and our food is brought in. The boys sit properly and thank the people who bring the food. Once they're out again, a heavy silence fills the room. The aroma of the food would be much better if I didn't have the information I do now.

I can't believe I just said that. What if they think I'm crazy.

You probably are? Why would you be stalked.

God, yeah I'm crazy. I'm even crazier for sharing the information.

"Hey, Yujin? Are you crying?"

My fingers touch what is surprisingly a wet face.

You are so weak.

Shut Up.

I start sobbing and the pain in my head gets even worse. My hands clasp tightly around my ears, trying to shut out the voice. That stupid voice. My voice.

But it's all in my head.

I keep my eyes closed tight and a sense of warmth wraps around me. My back is rubbed gently and I can faintly hear soothing voices through my hands that block the sound.

Stop crying.


Oh God you can seriously make me. Or you. Ugh. You make things harder for yourself. Attention seeker.

" quiet," I murmur.

Ooh talking to yourself out loud, what drama. You actually are crazy. Ooh and they'll find out.

No they won't.

You're kind of making it obvious. You've always been bad at 'hiding' things like this. Unless of course you want them to know. Will you ever get tired of wanting attention.

I'm not like that. I'm sick.

Are you? What if you're making yourself more sick by convincing yourself you are and taking medication so people think you need to be taken care of.

I was clinically tested.

Do you know how pathetic an excuse that is?

It's not an excuse it's reality.

Oh okay. So in reality, you're crazy.

All of a sudden, the body of warmth against me moves away, replaced by a pair of familiar hands that go over my hands that are clasped tightly on the sides of my head.

"Yujin, it's Yoongi-oppa." I can barely hear him, but I'm sure it's him. I breathe in his scent, something that often succeeds in calming me down.

The voice in my head goes silent but the aching stays.

"Oppa...I'm scared," I whimper. I feel his breath fan my face as he speaks, telling me that he's right in front of me.

"I'm here now. It's okay. You're safe, I'm not going to leave you."

"Can we go home?"

He squeezes my hands gently. "Of course we can."

Woah...almost 500. Thank you 🥺

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