Jaeyong (Fighting Pleasure) pt1

450 14 18

I made this like two years ago

Top Tier Cringeworthy😌

It was so cringe, I had to edit this a lot

And I still was not able to salvage it. So, it's still very cringey😭

I had to delete like half of the chapter (it was 2000 words worth of trash💀)



Jaehyun x Taeyong

Fighting Pleasure

"Taeyong.....why are we here, at your house, when its soooooo boring here" Jaehyun complained as he threw himself onto Taeyong's bed.

"Because we have to finish this project, now get off of my bed" Taeyong hissed.

Taeyong and Jaehyun had a deep hatred for eachother. Constantly picking at everything the other did.

They never got along, but they always ended up together.

Because it was as if the universe wanted them together.

Jaehyun snuggled further into the bed. Knowing he was irritating the male after hearing Taeyong growl.

Taeyong knew that this was to irritate him, forcing himself to just ignore the matter and walk away.

He walked over to his closet after remembering why they were there though. Digging through the bottom of it to get something.

But, as he was looking for something, Jaehyun silently peeked over from the bed and saw something that caught him off guard.

He noticed that when Taeyong was bending over, his pants slightly lowered showing his lower back. Along the lining of his pants, he saw something black and lacey.

Taeyong reached further into the closet resulting in his pants getting lower. Making Jaehyun eyes widen at the sight of Taeyong having on lace underwear.

He wanted to say something until Taeyong backed out of the closet with some pants and a hoodie.

"I'm going to take a quick shower. You can just get started on the project." Taeyong said before walking off into the bathroom that was connected to his room.

Jaehyun sat there with his eyes wide open. Only to snap back into reality when he realized that a project needed to be done. 

"Taeyong! Where are the supplies?!" Jaehyun yelled from outside the bathroom door.

"In the black box at the bottom of my closet" Taeyong yelled back.

Jaehyun walked over to the closet and bit his lip with confusion after seeing two black boxes.

"Which one?" Jaehyun said to himself.

"Do I pick the right or left box?" He asked himself.

"Fuck it" Jaehyun said before opening both boxes at the same time.

He expected to find shoes in one box and supplies in the other.

But, what he saw was totally different, the left box was filled with supplies while the right box was filled with lacey underwear.

Making it clear that this was supposed to be hidden from everyone.

"Wow" Jaehyun said before quickly closing the right box.

Thoughts ran through his head. Both good and bad as he asked himself why was he so mad.

He quickly took the left box out of the closet and closed the closet door though.

"That sure was not hidden well" Jaehyun said as erotic thoughts of Taeyong started to run through his head.

He sat down on the foot of the bed and started rummaging through the box trying to find a pencil. Slightly jumping as Taeyong soon walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his neck.

"Did you get started?" Taeyong asked.

Jaehyun only nodded, not daring to look Taeyong in the face.

Taeyong sat on the other side of the bed with a laptop.

They worked on the project for about two hours. While they were working, Jaehyun had wild thoughts going through his head. Wondering if Taeyong had some Lace underwear on at the moment.

He was curious, yet raging inside.

Mad because of his impulsive thoughts that were hammered into him.

Taeyong let out a small yawn which broke Jaehyun from his thoughts. He sat the laptop on the floor and laid down on the bed.

"We can continue this tomorrow" Jaehyun said while looking at the smaller male, who was already curled up into a ball.

Before Taeyong could agree, Jaehyun asked a question.

"Can I test a theory real quick?" Jaehyun muttered.

Taeyong only nodded sleepily as he sat up a bit, attentive to whatever Jaehyun may say.

Jaehyun crawled on top of Taeyong and between his legs.

Taeyong's eyes opened wide when Jaehyun pinned his wrists over his head with one hand.

"W-what are you doing?" Taeyong asked as he tried to lean his head away out of instinct.

"Checking something" Jaehyun whispered into his ear.

Taeyong shivered as Jaehyun ran his free hand down the side of his waist. Making him squirm uncomfortably.

Taeyong tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but Jaehyun was too strong for him. His breathing hitched as he felt Jaehyun play with the string to his sweatpants.

He wanted to yell at him, yet was afraid to wake up his parents.

"Stay still" Jaehyun sighed.

"Jaehyun let go me!" Taeyong hissed as he tried to push the aggressive male away.

Jaehyun didn't listen though. Slipping his hand into Taeyong's pants only to feel along to hem of his underwear.

He opened his mouthed, but closed it after seeing that Taeyong was shaken up.

Jaehyun debatesd with himself as he backed away knowing that his actions were out of hand.

Yet, getting mad with both himself and Taeyong.

Wondering why his own homophobic thoughts were getting in the way of the crush he had on the male.

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