Chapter 30: The wedding

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"You ready?" I called.

"I am!" Opal answered from beyond the door "Come in!"

I looked at the other bridesmaid's and opened the door, heading inside eagrly, my jaw instantly dropped at the sight of her.

She wore a sleeveless white dress with a cleft, the dress reached the floor, but wasn't too puffy. It had lace all over the top part of the dress and a little on the bottom part too. The top part of her hair was in two braids that were clipped together on the back of her head, and the rest of her hear was down. Her makeup was perfectly done– green eyeshadow that brought out her eyes, sharp black eyeliner and red lipstick, nothing to heavy, it still looked like her, and she looked incredible.

"So? What do you think?" She asked with a shy smile, playing with her fingers nervously.

"You..." I breathed out, walking slowly towards her while scanning her "you're gorgeous."

"Bolin is gonna faint," Jinora added from behind me. She and her sister Ikki were Opal's besties from college (only besties in college, don't worry) and I've gotten pretty familiar them while we were planning the wedding together.

Opal's face lit up "I'm getting married," she whispered disbelievngly as I got closer.

"You're getting married." I repeated enthusiastically with a lopsided grin and pulled her into an embrace.

My baby girl is getting married! I almost felt like crying at this moment but I had makeup of my own so I fought my tears back.

She pulled back, going to hug Ikki and Jinora and I grinned, knowing that my hug was longer.

No, I'm not a jealous friend, shut up.

After a few moments my poor heart couldn't take it anymore, so I told them we should probably go outside and greet the guests, while Opal stayed in her dressing room since Bolin can't see her until the ceremony.

"I can't believe she's getting married," Jinora said.

"Really? Cause they've been engaged for a while, you're a little slow there sis." Ikki replied fast, so fast that I could barely comprehend what she was saying.

Jinora rolled her eyes "it's a figure of speech, Ikki." She said, and Ikki took out her tongue in response.

"...I'm gonna go find Kai," Jinora mumbled and went away.

"So, uh..." I scratched my neck awkwardly, not really knowing what to talk about with Ikki "Kai is the boyfriend?"

"Yep! They've been dating like, since highschool, he got here with Jinora," She babbled, talking really quickly, and I narrowed my eyes trying to keep up, noticing she has a very expressive face "What about you? Did you bring someone? Was it the girl who gave you a lap dance?"  She shot about a million questions at me at once.

Jesus christ she has no tact.

"Asami," I inform her "and yes, she's on her way here, I just had to get really early so she decided she'd get here on her own."

"She's pretty,"

I grinned, I knew my gaydar was right about her "She is,"

"Does she have a sister?"

I chuckled "No."

"A mother would work just fine too," she joked, at least... I think... She joked?

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