Chapter 10: Just friends?

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I open my eyes slowly, feeling they're a little dry. First thing I notice is how everything is a little fuzzy and disoriented, but thankfully I didn't have too much to drink last night, so it wasn't that bad.

Second thing I notice is the warm naked body I'm wrapped around. I raise my head to see Asami sleeping peacefully, and images of last night flood through my mind.

Holy shit, I just slept with Asami Sato.

I smile at the memory and  brush her hair out of her face, kissing her temple softly, careful not to wake her up. I got up, rubbing my eyes and stumbling into the bathroom. I raise my eyes to look at my reflection in the mirror when I notice red lipstick smudged all arount my mouth
Damn, I blush. shit got wild, I smirk and wash it off, then scan my body a little more to find  hickies all over my neck and chest.

Well, I guess I'm gonna have to wear a scarf for the next couple of days. My dad will actually murder me.

I step out of the bathroom and drop my gaze to the floor, searching for my clothes. I pick up my avocado boxers (Terrible idea.) and pull them on me, then I pick up an over sized t-shirt from her closet and put it on as well. After being fully closed I exit her room, closing the door slowly and carefully and quietly and then I head downstairs.

Maybe I'll make pancakes? Is that a normal thing to do after you got fucked by your best friend?

When my stomach decides pancakes are a good idea, I enter the kitchen which is thankfully empty, open the fridge and cabinet and gather my ingredients.

While cooking, I have more time to reflect on the previous night, the memory was a little blurry,  but I can definitely remember enjoying myself, I mean- she was incredible, how can anything feel so good? I'm gonna need to step up my game if I want to catch up with her while we're together.

What makes you so sure she would want a relationship with you?

At that thought, I freeze.

What do you mean?

Well, she doesn't really do relationships you know? Who knows if you'd work as a couple, or if she even feels the same way?

No, I insist. No, we're friends, it could work.

So were you and Mako, and you guys didn't work now did you?

Because I was inlove with her!

But it doesn't mean she loves you back! Think about it, how many girls has she slept with the past couple of months? And she never got into anything serious with any of them, what makes you different? She was probably just drunk and horny, and you were goalable and within reach.


It's just a one night stand.

Shut up.

If you're lucky, maybe she'd want a friends with benefits thing, but that's that.

I let out a shaky breath and feel the anxiety rise inside me, what if it is just a one night thing for her?  I was so focused on finally figuring out how I feel towards her, that I didn't even stop to think about how she feels towards me, what if she doesn't feel the same way? What if I just fucked up our whole friendship because I couldn't keep it in my pants? What if-

"Is something burning?" I hear a sleepy voice from the entrance to the kitchen, I snap my head to the frying pan to see that in fact, my pancake is burned.

"Shit!" I take it out quickly and throw it to the trash can, guess I was too caught up with my anxiety over Asami that I didn't notice that I was burning my pancake.

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