Khai: So we need to stop them and bring them here ?

G.Rama: Precisely ! Now ACT IMMEDIATELY !

Alicia, Moon, Khai and Iman leave the room to proceed with the mission. The General then left the room to be ready for any backup request from them. Alicia has been really moody ever since the "tragedy" and it is scaring Moon whenever she's on rage.

Moon: Hey Alicia, are you okey ? You look sad.

Alicia: So what ?! *bad mood*

Iman: If there is anything we can help, just tell us.

Khai: After all we are friends.

Alicia: *exhale* it's just that I never had the chance to tell "him" how I felt.

Khai: That's okey, now let's get ready for tonight's mission.

Alicia: (I'm sure Ali is still alive, he has to !)

They all went to their homes after the mission briefing. Alicia still thinks that Ali isn't dead like what everyone else tells her. She still believes he is still alive, somehow.

The Outskirts

Ali is working on his "special project" for Andik, Surya, Nikki and himself He was working just fine until a random person with a broken arm came in. He looked like he needs some help

Person: Hey, do you know where's Nikki ?

Ali: Sorry, I haven't seen her for the past 2 hours. I-

?: You're looking for me ?

Person: Yeah, it's me Sam !

Nikki: Oh Sam ! How's your job at the harbour ?

Sam: Not really, you see I have a broken arm. Me and my co-workers got beaten by biker gangs. They're raiding the tech containers.

Ali: You mean Komeng ?

Sam: Yeah, He and Bear have been robbing the harbour for a lot of times but this time they really got "something".

Ali: Like what ? New weapons ?

Nikki: His goons are only armed by steel rods and baseball bats. What upgrades did these guys get ?

Sam: They got themselves some blasters and Bear is using some kind of robotic suit. It's very dangerous.

Nikki: Well, that's new. How big is it ?

Sam: Not really big but it's heavily armored and got big cannons.

Ali: Well when they'll raid again ?

Sam: Tonight. It's gonna be tough for us.

Ali: Hmm, I know ! Me and Nikki will go. We'll help out.

Nikki: How ? I don't have my exo-legs anymore.

Ali: That's why I made these ! *pulls sheet*

Ali pulled the sheet that's been covering his project, it is a slightly renewed version of Nikki's exo-legs and more stuff. That includes a bungee rope that Andik used and a few set of speakers that Surya used. Nikki was thrilled to see the exo-legs.

Nikki: You're smart as Aliya ! Come here ! *hugs Ali*

Ali: Get Andik and Surya, tonight we're going crime fighting. *let goes hug*

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