the start of a friendship // third person POV

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    Four was sitting all alone at the park, like usual. He only went there to relax and eat ice cream, but never to play. He was working on a drawing of his and he really liked how it turned out.

    Four was content with himself at that time, but he couldn't ever help but wonder how it would feel to have friends. From Kindergarten to 2nd grade, he was taunted and bullied. In those desperate times, he wanted to count on someone.

    Fate struck, and a blonde, small boy sat down next to him at a picnic table. He bought a lollipop, though he thought it would be kind to give it to Four. He gripped onto the lollipop and handed it to him awkwardly, not making direct eye contact. Four appreciated the gesture and took it. "Thank you," he said, unsure of how to respond. "I'll eat it later."

    A long pause of awkward tension held tight in the air, until the little boy took out his hand and said, "It's nice to meet you! My name's X." Four was... really shocked. Someone wanted to befriend him? It was the first time he encountered this, so he excitedly replied, "I'm Four. Do you maybe... wanna be friends?" as he shook his hand. X beamed with a look of pure joy on his face. "Of course we can!" he replied with excitement.

    At first, playing together was kind of awkward, but Four realized something. They enjoyed laughing together and he actually felt good to be around him. Four felt happy to have a friend he could always talk to.

    The following years, they came over to each other's houses from time to time. They enjoyed every little moment with each other so much that they kept every photo they were in together stapled on pages of a scrapbook. The scrapbook wasn't the prettiest, with ripped pages and torn off words reading, Four and X . From kindergarten to 5th grade, they had 243 photos in the pages of the book.

    However, one day, X had to leave to another state. Four didn't know why he had to leave, and was longing to know. It haunted him to think that he was troubling X all these years...

    After the day he left, Four became devastate on his best friend. While he was walking down the streets, he got into a car accident. He was immediately rushed to the ER.

    The doctors prescribed to his parents that he had massive nerve and brain damage, and that his relationships with everyone were forgotten. Even X.

    That day, there was no trace of X in his head.


amnesia // 4x fanfic // human AUWhere stories live. Discover now