Out of all the places...Pt 2

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A/N hiiiiii I'm back with the part 2 of this story and the reason I didn't do it sooner is because I don't feel in the mood like EVER to write stories. We all know it. Also I'm planning a marvel/SHIELD themed escape room cuz we have to do a scavenger hunt for Wellbeing and I thought it would be coolcoolcoolcoolcool (NIIINE NIIINEEE). Tbh I probably won't do any 'mission' or 'fight scene' one-shots because I watched the Marvel movies a LONG time ago so I basically forgot everything, the plot n everything (except for guardians 2 cuz I just watched that) (Oh and I know all the backgrounds and descriptions of the main avengers cuz I read too much fanfics lmao) (especially Nat and her KGB/Red Room stuff because I read too much Captashaaaa) But my brother bought a book that basically described all the movies and characters in detail up to before infinity war which sucks but oh well at least there's that. And THANK YOU for 130 reads like wth. Pleeaaaaaseeee comment ideas and requests because I have a lot of ideas but I'm never in a mood to write them so if you guys request I'll feel like I HAVE to do it so ayyyyyyyy:) (also I'm supposed to do homework rn but obviously I'm not doing it isabelllk )


And at the exact moment that the answer hit him, they also arrived at the destination. And the destination was no other than his beloved home. Stark Industries.

No. It couldn't be. Seriously? Peter almost let out a laugh, but didn't, realising what would happen. He secretly hoped his dad would have meetings all day so that he couldn't....embarrass him. And his mom....she couldn't be that bad right? He mentally buried his face in his hands. But he was quickly snapped out of it when his teacher called him back to attention. "Peter! Quickly!" He quickly scurried towards the back of the line the class had formed while he was planning his own funeral.

Once they entered, they were greeted by the receptionist, Anna, who was sipping her tea when they arrived. The blond girl said in her British accent, "Hello! Midtown High right?" (*smirks* isabelllk) (I still can't get over how smart I am to make this line tho i-) Mr.Charles simply nodded (And I oop- Charles quit being a detective to be a teacher) (it's nIkOlAj)

A/N Heyyyyy I'm actually continuing this chapter 2 days later because I've been so busy (ik) so yeaaaaaa. Anyway let's continue I just wanted to say that

Peter immediately recognised her from the many times he lost or forgotten his badge. Oh god. "My name is Anna and I will be your tour guide today." She started with a bright smile on her lips. "I will hand out these badges that will be used to enter the tower. However, the badges will expire by the end of this tour so it would be useless to try to use them to come in again and if you try, you will be banished from the tower forever (muahahahahahahaha) Is that's clear?" The students nodded. Anna started handing out the badges to all the students..except for...of course....Peter. "Any questions before we go in?" A student raised her hand. "Ms. Anna.." "Oh no, just call me Anna" "Ok, Anna, why does your badge look different that ours?" She pointed towards Anna's badge and than to her own.

"Oh yes, the different numbers on the badges represent the different levels. There is level 1-10 because of the 100 floors of this tower. Each level tells you how many floors you are allowed in. For example, level one is allowed in 10 floors and level 2, which you all have, is allowed in 20. And of course, level 10 means that you have all access to everything in the tower. The only people who have level 10 passes are Mr. Stark, Ms. Potts and few others." 

Anna was one of the few that was trusted with and knew about Peter's real identity, considering her parents were family friends of the Starks and she was quite close to them. So luckily, she didn't give out Peters secret identity by saying that only the Stark's had Level 10 badges. While the other students were lining up to wait for their turn to get their badges scanned, Anna mouthed a quick 'your welcome' out of the sight of the rest of the class. Than she proceeded to straighten out her zebra-patterned blouse and her skirt. Peter was already hating the trip. But It got even worse. "Hey Anna," one random student asked, "Why doesn't Peter have a badge?" He asked, seeing how Anna passed Peter wh je giving out the badges. "That's because Peter already has his own and SI has a very strict No double print policy"

"Anna Chelney (Yes I made up that last name but I did use some inspiration *smirks* isabelllk ) , Level 6 Intern, No unauthorised weapons detected." Unsurprisingly, all the students (except Peter obvi.) jumped in surprise at the sudden noise of FRIDAY (A/N ITS FRIIDAYYYY FRIDAYYYYYY GOTTTAA GETTT DOWWNNN ONNN FRIIIDAYYYYY EVERYYYBODY LOOKIIN FOOR A RIDEEEE) (I'm sorry I'm insane)

"Don't worry, that was just Friday, Mr. Stark's personal and SI's AI, Friday, say hi!" Everybody waved at, well everywhere, Friday responded with, "Hello Midtown High, Peters Class" Peter looked down at his name while everybody looked at him, wondering why they were addressed as 'Peters Class' (A/N also I'm sorry I might randomly out capital letters on some random words but oh well) Luckily, Anna started speaking again. "Ok everyone, you can now go through the scanners over here" She pointed towards the scanner. And Peter was the last one through.

A/N it's like 5 days later and I'm really loosing inspiration n stuff for this story or any other IronDad fanfic so pleeeeaaase give me some requests 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Baiii peeeeps:)
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