Im sorry

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Hey, I know I haven't really posted anything for this story I a while but with all the things that happened to the sway boys recently kinda made me sit and think for a sec.

I know it kinda sounds over dramatic but seeing someone you care about go down the wrong road can hurt you. I know I have no say in what any of them do, say, or think because I'm just a random person but also because they are all 18 or older they are adults and can make their own choices. But their choices do effect the way people think about them. And I'm not saying this is a bad way but I've seen these boys grow and change for at least a year. Especially Josh, I've fallowed him since the days and to see him change from who he was to who he is now just made me disappointed. Now I'm not saying all of his choices but mainly the drugs. Only because I've seen drugs break people mentally, physically, and emotionally and to see drugs do the same to him, someone I've cared deeply about for years, would break my heart. So that's why I've taken a small break from trying to update this story.

Now I should be better and I'm already working on a couple chapters. But I just wanted to let you know because I hav gotten multiple comments asking me to update so yea

I love y'all so much and I would've loved to update as much as possible but it would've severely damaged my mental state because every time I would've wrote about him would've brought up that story.

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