✰𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 7✰

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You get up early and you get dressed

You text Josh that your up and ask him when and where he wanted to meet up


Josh 🥺

You: where and when do you wanna meet up

Josh🥺: do you wanna go to Dunkin?

You: yea sounds great

Josh🥺: meet you there in 10

You: see you in 10

*text over*

Jackson: who you texting

You: just Josh

Jackson: oh ok

You: I'm going to Dunkin to talk to him, I'll be back in a bit

Jackson: k I'll see you later


You get to Dunkin and you see Josh is already at a table

You sit down across from him

You: hey Josh

Josh: hey. I already got you a doughnut

He gives you the doughnut and you see it's your favorite kind

You: how'd you know

Josh: I just remembered I guess

You: ok what did you want to tell me

*half an hour later*

He told you everything

He told you about how Jackson was using you to win a bet

He told you about how Jackson was blackmailing him into not talking to you

And he told you how Jackson truly doesn't care for your well being, it's all an act

He told you how he's wanted to tell you for so long but he couldn't

You had so many mixed emotions You didn't know how to feel

All You could do was stand up hug Josh

You: I'll text you later ok

Josh: ok

You left and when you drove home your eyes started to water

And eventually you could barely see anything because of how much you were crying

You finally get back to your house

You see Jackson is still there

You almost run into the house

You stop down the stair and into your room

Jackson looks up at you and smiles but it fades as soon as he sees you've been crying

He stands up to give you a hug but you push him away

Jackson: what's the matter

You: don't talk to me

Jackson: what happened! If Josh did something to you I'm going to-

You: It's not what he did it's what he said!

Jackson: what did he say

You: He told me!

Jackson: he told you what!?

You: Everything! He told me how you are using me for money! To win a stupid bet! You were going to take my fucking VIRGINITY all so you could win $50! Is that what I'm worth!? $50!? To actually think I meant something to you. To think that everything you said to me, everything we did together, was something you actually wanted to do and say. Of course me being the dumb bitch would actually think to fall for someone like you! I'm done with you Jackson there's no if's ands or but's about it!

Jackson: I'm gonna fucking kill him

You: no your not not if I have anything to do with it. I want you to leave Jackson.

Jackson: well first there's something you should know about Josh

You: no I don't even want to hear it

Jackson: fine

You: bye Jackson

Jackson: goodbye

Jackson leaves and you throw yourself on your bed and start to uncontrollably cry

Then you get a call...

Sorry this was really really really short I'm writing longer chapters everyday for the weekend for this story and most of my other stories

Sorry this was really really really short I'm writing longer chapters everyday for the weekend for this story and most of my other stories

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