The soldiers holding me dragged me away from the rest of the hostages... Seeing children, women and elderly being treated as mere trash makes my blood boil... But all I could do now is sit and wait... I trust Aya and Lily can find Emiya... And I hope he agrees to help.

I then was thrown inside a ten with a large bed inside... Disgusting.


What in Maou's name was that!?


Another one?!

General: Soldiers! Don't let him get through!

I heard the bastard tell out orders... But him? Who's him? Could it be?

Soldier: Die you monster!

Thanks to me being part dog, my senses are much better than that of a human... Left and right, screams and bones breaking are heard. Flesh being teared apart and and smaller yet continued explosions are happening around me.

I closed my eyes as everything I heard only became screams of pain and soldiers dying left and right... Until I felt warm hands lift me up.

???: Hey... You ok?

This voice...

Maya: Emiya?

Emiya: yeah it's me. You're safe now... I'm here.

I feel like I'm about to cry.

Emiya: shh... Come on, I'll carry you out. I've only wittled their numbers so we need to move.

Maya: wait! What about the other hostages?!

Emiya: I already got them out, so hold tight.

But before I could question what he means, I felt the world around me fold like a pop up book. Trees and occasional Sentinels blurred by until I felt myself stop right in front of the main gate where a lot of Adventurers and Mamono are staring at Emiya with awe.

A random Adventurer then came up to him with sheer bewilderment in his eyes.

Adventurer: did you seriously just stormed inside a heavily guarded temporary base and freed everyone in less than just five minutes?!

Emiya: if I was any more serious I could've done it in less.

Seriously!? Just how strong is Emiya?

Emiya: but for now... I think I should teach them a lesson.

He put me down next to Aya and Lily, the two I didn't notice until Aya was hugging me and bawling like a newborn with Lily also crying with her.

I however watched Emiya walk slowly towards the remaining soldiers... Which were still a lot of, and the General who tried to turn me into his pet. Along with newly summoned Angel Sentinels.

Emiya: I would let you all go with a warning but.

I felt like the air around us became thicker... In fact, it was so thick that Aya and Lily stopped crying in an instant. I'm sure that not only is the Mamono are affected but also the Adventurers and locals, who hugged themselves like they were cold.

Emiya: But you've decided to just throw it all away in one go... Congratulations....

The air grew even more thicker... I felt like it was choking us already since the younger Mamono and weaker Adventurers all fell unconscious... Just how much killing intent is he letting out.

General: C-Come on men! He's only just one man!

He tried to get his men to move but all of them are stuck on their feet... Even the Sentinels won't move, as if they know they will die if they do so.

Emiya: Let this be a warning to your People. I AM THE BONE OF MY SWORD.

The air above Emiya changed... Swords littered the space above him as he himself carried a pair of black and white blades.

Emiya: At first I wasn't sure if what they were saying was true... But seeing what her followers are doing now. it makes me sick... Sword Barrel.... Unlimited.

What we saw next was... A Hill Punctured by Swords.

Ok so... This was the little exemption that I meant... Meaning I might work on two chapters for the same book in under a week or less even XD but yeah... I'm sure a lot of you are confused by what this variation of Sword Barrel move is... It's basically an unrestricted version of Sword Barrel Full Open. Since of course this is an alternate universe and Gods and Goddesses still exist. Which means... He has no Limiter, thus the new move... Which I made up XD but yeah... I'm sure you lot can get it figured out in your head so yeah, hope you guys like this chapter! SOUL out!

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