Ch 12 New Faces

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Author Note: Heyyyyyy my lovely fans!!1!!!!!2! Today ur favorite L for Lee 69 will be writing this chapter!!! Last time after the chapter BFFFFFFFF tried escaping (again :///) right now she's on punishment and I am starving her!!!!!:) I hope you guys like my writing because you may have to get used to it for while SMH LMAO LOL

Juno POV

I walk out of the audatorium after Louis announced that rehearsal would be ending early today. Why'd those two have create such a scene?! I'll have to work extra hard with the team to make up for the lost time today.

I silently walk back to my dorm figuring that there is nothing left for me to do today when a sudden thought runs through my mind.


I wonder how Legoshi is doing! Is he hurt? I hope aid him! Although it might be strange coming up to him unannounced? I'll need some excuse maybe I could ask what he thinks about the incident that happened during play today. He'll probably by that!

I turn around walking the other direction. My heart increasingly beats faster as I become closer and closer towards Legoshi's dorm. I just need to use my female wolf charm! Once he realizes he's in love with me we will be the most unstoppable couple in this entire school!!1!!

Louis POV

I sigh listening to the horrific events that took play today. The sheer stupidity and ignorance that caused this makes my blood boil and my head throb.

"So what you're saying is that Kai started an all out brawl because of that fact that Bill was supposedly flirting with you?" My voice becoming increasing louder as I spoke down irritated at the two.

"Yeah.......basically," Bill said in an inferior tone.

Legoshi nodded along with Bill, too scared to say anything. I sigh again already done with today.

"I'm going to check up on Kai and Dom to get their perspectives on the situations. The two of you may leave for the day. I'll speak to the both of you tomorrow.

They walked out of the room with their tails' between their legs'. I sigh once more realizing that I would have even more work to do thanks to this mess.

With that I walk out of the room, and make my way to the nurse's office.

Juno POV

As I walk through the unfamiliar halls of the boys dormitory, I make sure to keep an eye out for any hall monitors. I have to keep my reputation clean. As I see no sight of any one else in the halls I finally reach Legoshi's dorm! I stand there for a few seconds holding my hand on the knob. I can't believe I actually to see Legoshi outside of play! I hold my head up high and knock on the door.

I stand there for ten seconds with no answer. As the feeling of nervousness and slight panic begins to form within me, I place my ear on the door.

Suddenly the door cracks open to show, not Legoshi, but the bright yellow fur of a labrador.

"Ng.. who are you?" The drowsy yellow dog rubs his eyes.

"Oh um I was wondering if Legoshi was here since I had some important matters to discuss with him?" I quickly respond. A look of dismay suddenly appears on his face before he shakes his head and responds.

"I haven't seen him," he responds rather abruptly. With no warning he closes the door on me. What was up with him?

Defeated and with no where else to go I begin the trip back to my dorm.

Author Note: OMG poor Jackie!!!2!! He's prolly rly upset rn ngl. I hear BFFFFFFF crying in the chambers downstairs so she's prolly devasted about what's happening to Jack!!!🥺🥺

Legoshi POV

Oh my God that was mortifying. I can't believe Kai really felt that way about me? I thought Bill was just complementing me? Why did Kai get so angry? Does he hate me that much? Is Dom okay?! The thoughts of what happened today race through my head as I try to make sense of it all.

Suddenly I realize that I've been thinking about what happened for so long that I've already passed my dorm room. I turn around to make my way back to my dorm room when I see the silhouette of somebody in front of me.

As the image of the person gets closer and becomes more clear I realize who it is.


His footsteps become louder and louder as he approaches. My fight or flight instincts kick in, but I freeze. My breathing becomes heavier and my heartbeat quickens as he gets closer.

What does he want? Is he still mad? Does he plan to attack me again? Should I run?Should I engage?

I was so distracted by the frantic thought running around in my head that I didn't even notice Kai finally walk towards me. Or rather he didn't.

The moment we crossed paths he looked down and ignored me completely. It was like I wasn't even there.

Relieved I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding, and sprint back to my dorm.

Finally reaching my dorm, I turn the knob and enter planning to bee-line straight for my bed. But... Jack was there.

"Your girlfriend stopped by."

Author Note: OMG that was a fat exciting chaptrr!!!1!1!! It feels so good to be able to write these again LOL!!! I know BFFFFFF must miss her job so she will prolly write the next one but don't think that's the last of me!!1!1!1!!1 ALSO THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!!! When I told BFFFF she was sobbing with joy!!!!!1!! Also we made it to number 10 in the beastars tag!!!!!!! Please keep reading our amazing fic and BFFFFFF and I love y'all bye!!! UwU

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