Chapter 1

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I added a bit to the bio while scrolling through the Player fandom for sunset overdrive

Jack POV

Jack: so Angel. You find any more possible vault hunters?

Angel: one, though...his situation is quit-

Jack: yeah whatever. You got footage

She then played footage and I saw blur decapitate several mutated monsters with a crowbar.

He then turned around, pulling out a shotgun that looked like a dick, aiming at a giant one and killing it in one shot.

Jack: Angel, two things. First, yes, lure him in. Second, I want that gun. So where's he from?

Angel: Earth, sunset city to be specific. But wouldn't it be smart to get him to work for you? I mean, you saw the footage and he's still goin-

Jack: wait, is it live?

I looked, seeing him rush towards the camera before it went dead. Angel switched to another and the guy was coming straight for it, holding the other camera and several other things in what seemed to be a backpack.

Jack: also, no. Vault hunters all need to die the same. So somehow tell him he can be a vault Hunter and lure him


I handed the surpluses to Floyd.

(Seriously, borderlands and Sunset overdrive are so similar

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(Seriously, borderlands and Sunset overdrive are so similar. Even the title cards for characters are nearly the same)

Y/n: bring me those new amps Floyd!

Floyd: I gotcha covered

As he whipped up a few weaker amps for the go, I looked at the tv he got playing.

It then went all staticky before it went to a guy with a mask.

???: do you want riches? Glory? Fame? Everything? Well then come to Pandora and become a Vault Hunter! Crack open the vaults and become everything you want to be!

As I watched, I think there was sparkles in my eyes.

Y/n: awesome!!!! Floyd, I'm heading to Pandora!!!!!

I then started to rush off, grinding on a wire.

Floyd: wait, your amps!

I then turned around, heading back for my amps.

Time skip

I sat down on the train, 4 other vault hunters there also.

So, we got Soldier boy, blue hair with magic chick, Spanish body builder and robot.

I had earbuds in and music blasting my ears

And because of this, and me trying to take a nice nap, I didn't realize that train blew up until I was flying through the air.

Y/n: what the fuck!!!

Time skip

I woke up, my head pounding.

I looked up, seeing everyone, including 2 new people and a robot trashcan.

Y/n: hi

Trashcan; wow! He's still alive!

Y/n: yeah yeah, shut it trashcan. Where in the hell are we?

The people shrugged. Trashcan kept talking.

Trashcan: welcome to the Arctic wastelands new friend-

I pulled out Shotty, aiming it at the trashcan

Y/n: shut up!!

Trashcan: what? No! Protect me!

He then hid behind the others.

High schooler: where were you even keeping that?

I then put it away.

Y/n: I don't know, but I don't question it anymore

I then stood up, brushing some snow off me.

Blue: how are you not cold?

Y/n: I don't know. Maybe cause we're all just 1's and 0's so we're not made to fee-

Soldier: what the hell are you even saying?

I shrugged.

Y/n: I don't know

Time skip

After getting to know the other people here, and finding out Trashcan was called Claptrap, we eventually found the piece of shit's home.

It was full of stuff he says was from other dead people and stuff.

And then some giant ass creature, similar in size to a Herker, came in and stole his eye. And sadly, we needed it. God damn plot sucks.

So he gave us a gun. One damn gun. For the 6 of us as the one guy had a cool axe.

Axton: so, who's the best shot?

Y/n: I got my own weapons

Maya: weapons? Like more than one

I then pulled everything I had out at once.

(Of course it's all of the weapons you have, not the ones specifically here)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(Of course it's all of the weapons you have, not the ones specifically here)

Salvador: where do you keep all those?!?

Y/n: like I said earlier, I don't know

I then put them all away except my Flaming Compensator.

Gaige: did you make all those?

Y/n: nah, bought them. But the tnt teddy, I put that together in a pinch

Gaige: well those weapons are the definition of anarchy and chaos

Y/n: yeah. I'm pretty unstable

Gaige: wait, what?

Y/n: nothing. Come on, to killing shit!!!


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