Episode 2 return of the pallet town

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With a sigh, Ash answered, "The volcano. It was the location of the gym, if you guessed the riddle right."

"Now then you three, there's something about the Indigo League that you need to know. Since the three of you have the required amount of badges, you qualify to enter, not only that, but in two months the league will be held at the Indigo Plateau. There will be over 200 trainers competing." Oak informs them.

"Not surprising, the Indigo League is a very big deal, so every trainer will be gathered there to show off just how skilled they are or not." Ash comments.

"But still, 200 trainers...wow..." Ritchie will be the first to admit that he was a little nervous, but that won't stop him.

"Scared? Why don't you quit now?" Gary said coldly.

Ritchie glared at him before turning to Ash, "Let's go to the coral and see the pokemon."

"Good idea." Ash agreed, "That is the reason we came here in the first place."


Ritchie stretched his arms above his head, "The fresh air here always feels good..."

"It really does." Ash smiled.

"So, who should we see first?" Brock inquired.

"We'll obviously be seeing my pokemon first. Stupid humans." Gary said in Anger

Misty was seriously itching to use her mallet on him right now, 'Ugh, he's so irritating!'

They went by the water area first, there they saw a giant Krabby next to a smaller one. The bigger one was Gary's, while the smaller one belonged to Ash.

"I got some crabs for breakfast. Gary Said in a Anger Tone.

Ash ignored him and bent down, getting his Krabby's attention as it crawled over to him pretty fast, "Sorry I didn't get to see you yesterday."

Krabby merely smiled at him, while moving its pincers.

"Vay (Ash)!" Ash's Vaporeon cried, running over to him.

Gary glared at him.

With Delia on Altomare

Delia sitting in the living room thinking about her son Ash.


"Ash! Honey, where are you?!" She cried out, searching for her baby boy on the Secret Garden, along with With Ash's Grandpa, and Ash's sister Bianca while the eon twins are on the lookout for everyone entering the secret garden.

"Did you find him?" Delia's Daughter Bianca came up to her looking worried.


"Don't worry, we'll find him Mom."

"I hope so.."

"We found him!"

Delia and Bianca didn't even blink as they ran in the direction where they heard Lorenzo's voice. Once they arrived to his location they saw Ash standing there with a blank expression.

"Ash!" Delia rushed up to her son, holding him in a warm embrace, "Thank goodness! Where in the world have you been?!"

His still blank expression was on her as he spoke, "Ultra..." he passed out as soon as he said those words.



Till this day, she still doesn't quite understand what he meant. Ultra? Even Till this day, she still doesn't quite understand what he meant. Ultra? Even Till this day, she still doesn't quite understand what he meant. Ultra? Even Lorenzo had no idea what her son meant. When Ash woke up he had no memory of where he had been or what he said, so they let it go. But it still lingered in the back of her mind.

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