“We left him, all alone,” I cried.


“His father had died, and know we had, too!”

“Kaylie, stop it.”  Bethany gave me an angry look, and I knew that I should stop.  However, all of the words just rushed out of me, and I couldn’t take any of them back.  I needed to get them off my chest.

I shook my head, continuing on with my rant.  “What if it was wrong for me to bring him back with me when I went through your memory?”

“He would have died, had you not,” Bethany sighed.

“But maybe he was supposed to!  Or maybe someone would have intervened and saved him, bringing him home to one of his family members?  But no, I had to intervene, and take him away from his family.  Then, I allowed him to become close to you and me, then we failed him and we died right in front of his own eyes, when we promised that we would be the ones to take care of him and hold him and make sure that he survives…”  My speech became incoherent and grammatically incorrect, but I didn’t care.  The tears poured down my face like bees to honey.

“Kaylie, we did the right thing.  We couldn’t have left him there, and we did all that we could to save him.  There’s nothing more that we could have done, Kay.  What’s done is done and that’s all there is to it, honey.  Now, dry your eyes because things are only going to get more complicated from here, as you and I both now.  Don’t act like you don’t because I know that you do.”  Bethany handed me a tissue and I wiped away my tears.  I knew that it was foolish to be crying in front of her, while she was putting on a brave face for me, but I couldn’t help it.  I needed to just let it out, and sometimes it was best to just let out all of your emotions.  Allow them to run free.

Bethany sat on the edge of my bed, looking around my room.  “Kaylie, I’m completely stumped.  I’ve always been the smartest girl in my class, and finally, here’s an answer that even I can’t solve.  Not to say that I’m the smartest girl in the world, who holds the answers to everything because that is so far from the truth.”

I shook my head.  “This is just driving me crazy, Bethany.  What secret is this voice hiding from us?”  Bethany sighed and fell back over onto my bed.  Of course it was a rhetorical question that no one has an answer for.  No one except for that mysterious voice.

“Bethany, where were you before my bedroom?”

“I died and then came straight to your room,” she replied.

I raised an eyebrow.  “No hospital room?”

She shrugged.  “Well, no, but I woke up laying on your bed.  I had dreamt of some blonde girl taking care of me, though.  Why, where had you been?”

“Traveling between realms?” I shrugged my shoulders.  “You see, I honestly just don't even know.  I was lying on a hospital bed, but through all of the pain it felt so hard underneath me.  Except the pillow; that was nice and soft, I must say.  Well, I was in a hospital room, and that was clear enough to see, but the room kept fading in and out.  Like the walls and everything.  It was so odd.  And that blonde girl was there, taking care of me, too.”

“Who do you think she is?” Bethany’s eyes widened.

I brightened, glad to finally have some answers.  “She said her name was Kairi.”

“Kairi?  You talked to her?” Bethany asked.

I nodded.  “I woke up while she was there, and she talked to me.  She was really upset that I couldn't remember anything and felt really bad about what had happened.  At the moment, I had no idea what she was talking about.  She even mentioned you, but I had no clue who you were.  She said that she could fix it, if I just let her work her magic.”

The Child That Never Was (NaNoWriMo 2014)Where stories live. Discover now