"Don, I think we shouldn't talk to each other for sometime. Thelma and Alex are getting suspicious" Theresa said and strode to a different direction.


Thelma had been watching the basketball game. Her brows were furrowed. She wasn't happy with the fact that Alex and Theresa could be friends..

*I thought they hate each other. I wish they could remain as enemy! It would be better that way*

Her face scrunched more when Don jogged towards Theresa.

*Who is that guy to Theresa?*

As soon as Theresa took large strides away from Don, she heated a sigh.

"Thelma!" a calm voice called.

Thelma spun on her heels and her body bumped Oscar's. Her lips brushed his before she fell into his arm. She gripped his jacket as his hands wrapped her waist to keep her balance. Soon she was lost in his bright blue eyes as her lips tingled because of their little contact.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he pulled her to her feet.

Her heart crashed her ribcage with a certain throbbing sound. She bit her lips as his hands slowly left her tiny waist.

*What just happened to me?*

Thelma quickly took her hands away from his jacket and mumbled, "Sorry!"

"Hm..." Oscar rubbed his neck. "I am sorry for my reaction".

"What reaction?" she looked into his blue eyes.

His brown lowered, causing a sad expression. "When you chose Alex to teach you, I got..." he cleared his throat and rubbed his palm together. "Jealousy!" his voice came out weak and faint.

Thelma leaned closer to hear his last words. Her eyes opened when realisation dawned on her.

*He was jealous?*

She looked at his sad misty eyes and waved her hands, "You don't need to be jealous. I just..."

Oscar cut her off. "I know..." he began. "I know you like Alex" he breathe out.

Thelma gasped but could not deny.

*How did he find out? Was it so obvious?*

"And I don't want to be the one to cause a fight or problem" he sighed. "You like him, don't you?"

She bit her lip and fiddled with her fingers. Her downcast eyes found her shoe interesting.

He placed his a finger below her jaw and titled her head till their eyes locked.

"Do you like him? Please be honest" he quizzed.

"I...I..I..." she stuttered.

"I think I know the answer" he sighed. "You don't need to worry. I know I like you but I won't force you to have the exact feeling for me if you like someone else. Just know that I will be here for you. We are friends and I will always be a loyal friend".

"No...no.....I...I..." she stuttered.

Oscar placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled warmly. His smile soon disappeared and an impassive looked appeared as he walked away. His shoulder slouched with his hands dug into his pocket.

*Oh no! What should I do? I also like Oscar and I don't want him to be hurt...but then again, Alex occupies the most part in my heart! Geez! I don't know what to do!*

Alex's team won at the end of the game. Everyone got to the living room, waiting for Thelma to prepare lunch. A loud knock echoed at the entrance door and Theresa smiled, "I'll get it"

*At last!*

She walked to the door and opened it. A middle-aged man stood at the door with a welcoming smile.

"Welcome!" she smiled at the man. "Come in, please".

She led him to the living room. Everyone gave a questioning look at Theresa.

"Who is he?" Alex asked.

"He is..." a mischievous smile graced her face. "A doctor. Time for your checkup, Alex".

Alex flinched. His eyes darkened and his glare was like a blazing fire. It could burn down a whole city. He crossed his arms and relaxed on his armchair.

"I didn't tell you to get a doctor" he growled.

"But you need one" Theresa protested. "Come on. You can't keep the doctor waiting".

"I am not going to stand up from this chair. Just get that doctor out of my mansion" he snarled.

"Then I will make you come with me" Theresa yelled.

"Whoa!" Kelvin teased. "I don't think that can happen. Alex is super mad, right now".

"Alex!" Theresa yelled. "Come and have your checkup".

Thelma rushed to the living room. "What's going on?" she asked.

"Theresa, just leave Alex. He doesn't want to" Don sneered and narrow his eyes at Alex. "Why do you even care if he has a checkup or not?".

Theresa ignored his question. She stomped towards Alex and gripped his ear.

"Let's go!" she thundered and pulled him through his ear.

"Ouch! Ouch!" Alex whined and gripped Theresa's hand that held his ear. Theresa tightened her grip on his ear and pulled him to his feet.

"Let's go!" she pulled him and he followed to avoid his ear from falling off. "So stubborn," she mumbled.

Everyone including Thelma stared, slack-jawed.

"Go, Theresa! You rule!" Kelvin cheered. "I can't believe she was able to do that".

Theresa got to Alex's room and freed him. He stroked his ear and glared at her.

"How dare..."

Theresa interrupted, "I'm just being a good friend, Xander".

"But that was painful," he roared.

"Sorry...not sorry! Next time, you won't be stubborn. You can thank me later. Mwah!" she gave an air kiss without realizing it. When it dawned on her, she stared at Alex's amused smile, speechless. The atmosphere became too awkward for her.

"Erm..." she trailed off.

The doctor walked in and shut the door behind him.

"Doctor," she exclaimed and nodded at him. He just saved her from the awkward situation she was having.

Theresa glanced at Alex's face. She saw his frightened look and smirked.

"Doctor, did you bring what I asked for?"

"I did and it is of many sizes" he opened his briefcase and displayed the syringes.

"What the heck?" Alex yelled and scurried behind Theresa. "What's that for?" he whispered in a frightened voice.

"Payback!" she sniggered. "Payback for what you did to me during the basketball game".

*I didn't know the great Alex who could be really tough would be scared of a syringe. He acts like Thelma. She is always scared of it too. Time to scare the daylight out of Alex! Hehe!*

     ~~~Author's Note~~~

What do you think of this chapter? Do you like what Theresa did to Alex?

Are you in support of what happened between Thelma and Oscar?

Thanks for reading my book. Pls don't hesitate to comment and vote. Love ya ❤❤❤❤❤

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