Chapter 1

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The harsh and rushed steps on the pavement and his panicked breathes echoed through the late evening air. He hurried and tried running but to no avail. His sadistic laughter filled Bryan's ears as he ran faster with tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. Noticing where he was, Bryan made a quick, sharp turn left and towards the hole in wall. He quickly squeezed through and headed to where they forbade him from stepping foot: the portal room.

Opening the doors as quickly as he could, he stopped in front of the portal to catch his breath.

"Oh Bryan~"

He turned with wide eyes as he saw what he hated. Those stupid wires only hurt him. Starting to shake, his breath quickened as the bear grew nearer. Looking around, he pleaded for a way to escape. All he could see however, was just broken pillars, stone walls, vines, the dirty and tattered carpet, and the operating system used to control the portal. The portal... portal...

'I'll have to risk it! It's either jump through, or have him do whatever he wants to me! I-I don't need another broken bone...'

Taking a deep breath, he calmed his shaking form and looked up at Molten Freddy. Smirking, he spoke.

"It's now or never, huh?"

Molten Freddy cocked his head to side like a confused dog, a tick of his he couldn't get rid of. Raising an eyebrow, Molten Freddy responded.

"What do you mean?"

Shaking his head, Bryan started stepping further and further back until he was only two steps away from the portal. Molten Freddy's face flashed with realization, which quickly turned to anger.

"Don't. You. Dare."

Molten Freddy launched himself at Bryan, but was too late. Bryan jumped back into the portal, his final words being,

"Better luck next time, Molten!"

Time Skip

A loud whimper forms in Bryan's throat as he opens his eyes. He stares at the ceiling for a while until he realizes he doesn't remember where he is. His body shoots itself upwards into a sitting position and looks around.

He is located in a small, bland room that consists of cream walls, a hardwood, oak floor. Glancing to his left, he sees a desk with a laptop and a chair, a filing cabinet next to it, and a small table besides the bed he was on.

To his right was a large dresser and a door to the left of it. He presumed it was to a restroom of sorts. To the right of it was a bookshelf full of books and besides him was, once again, a small bedside table with a lamp.

A sudden burst of pain surged through the brunette's head, causing him to reach up and grab it, only to feel (what he could only assune) bandages wrapped around his head. Getting paranoid and anxious, he slowly - as to not hurt himself anymore than he already is - got up.

He stumbled a little bit before regaining his footing and making his way to the door in front of him. Slowly creaking it open, he nervously stuck his head out and into a hallway. He was at the very end of the hallway on the left side. Looking to his right, he noticed a light and hushed voices coming from the room.

He closed the door and crept down the hall silently towards the light. Peeking into the room, he paused in terror.

"What are we gonna do? An explanation is obviously in order!"

A sigh echoed as a new voice came in.

"Come on boss. We've gotta tell 'em the truth. We tell 'em what's been goin' on, y'all."

"And what are we supposed to tell him? That we knew he was abused and did nothing about it? That the only information that we wanted was him telling us he was abused? He won't believe us even if we did!"

Bryan finally found the courage to walk in the room and meet his 'captors'. The room grew tense and still once he stepped around the corner, only to be faced with the so called 'enemies'.

He started to shake in fear and recoiled into himself before sprinting down the hall and slamming and locking his door shut.

He pushed his back up against the mahogany door and slid down until he was sitting, pulling his knees up to his chest.

Excessive ringing began to cloud his hearing as his heart beat began to increase and his vision got blurry. He was stuck taking short, steep breaths as his hands shakily covered his eyes to block out the ringing and the, unknown to him, sobs.

His vision was soon overflowed with what was at first tiny black dots at the corners of his eyes, that had steadily grown in size and number before he slumped over and let them consume his vision and mind.

POV Switch

The Twisteds and Shadows sat there against the door as they could only helplessly listen to the young adult's sobs of fear, agony, and betrayal.

Glitchtrap leaned against the door with his forehead on it and his right hand resting against it. The rest either cried silently, rest their backs against the wall and quietly listen, or walk away to try and ignore the pained sobs and broken mind of whom they thought of as a little brother.

Once the sobs stopped, they all slowly left one by one until one remained. Glitchtrap. He sighed and took out the key to the room and gently pushed the door open to be met with Bryan passed out across the floor. Smiling silently, the golden rabbit picked up the human and walked over to the bed to place him in.

Pulling the covers above his sleeping form, he stared down at the brunette and placed a tender kiss on his forehead and stroked his cheek. He turned back around and walked out the door and closed it once more. He cleared his throat and wiped his eyes to avoid being questioned about any possible tears still lingering in his bright, violet.

He walked out to the end of the hallway before stopping and turning to look at the door once more.

'This is going to be one hell of a ride, huh Bryan?'



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