He's back?!

196 18 26

After the first night with everyone here.

I have to go to the doctor.
I wake up and go downstairs carefully.
Nessa, Josh, and Kouvr are already up.
Lia: "Morning guys."
Nessa: "Morning"
Josh: "Tony woke up earlier and went back to bed. He's not feeling good so he might not wake up in a while."
I make a cup of coffee and go to the couch with them
Lia: "But I have a doctors appointment. He has to drive me."
Josh: "I can."
Lia: "Thanks."
Chase comes downstairs.
Chase: "Goodmorning"
Kouvr: "Morning"
Nessa: "Morning."
Chase: "I heard what you guys were saying and if you want I can drive you, Lia."
Josh: "Yeah, can you? I was trying to be nice but then I remembered that I would have to be in a car alone with her"
chase laughs and sits next to me. I'm really looking forward to being his friend.
Kouvr: "Don't forget to post on jadens account."
Lia: "Dixie will."
Ondreaz and Avani come downstairs.
Ondreaz: "M..orning"
Lia: "Look at you! You're getting better."
Ondreaz: "Yeah I-I am." He smiles
Avani came and sat next to me, so I was between chase and avani.
Lia: "I have to get ready soon"
Chase: "I'll go change"
Me and chase go to our rooms and change our clothes.
When I go downstairs chase is waiting with his car keys.
Chase: "Ready?"
Lia: "Yeah."
Nessa: "Bye guys."
Lia: "Byeee"

Me and chase are in the car.
Chase: "Wanna make a tiktok."
(in the car btw)
Lia: "Sure. But it's not my fault if there's dating rumors."
Chase: "Are they really gonna think that we're dating because we're in a car together?"
Lia: "They thought I was dating Jaden because I posted a tiktok on his account haha"
Chase "Jesus"
We laugh.
Chase: "Fine we'll make one when we get home."
We arrive at the doctors office and we already had an appointment scheduled so I dint have to wait in the waiting room. As we were walking through the waiting room I can't believe who I see...
I see Griffin. Chase didn't see him, but even if he did, he didn't know what happened.
Griffin looks up and sees me walk by and grins.
I grab chases arm and sorta cling onto while we walk past him.
Chase: "You alright?" He whispered.
Lia: "Yeah it's just cold."
Chase: "Want my jacket?"
Lia: "No.."
As we go into the room I look back and Griffin is still staring, once he sees me look at him he smiles.
I get shivers and walk into the room.
Chase: "You're literally shivering, here's my jacket."
He hands me his hoodie and I take it.
Lia: "Thanks"
I smile and he smiles back

We wait on the bed that usually patients lay down on. We're sitting next to each other.
After waiting for the doctor to get back with results-
It was quite until out of nowhere chase asked me something.
Chase: "Did Tony tell you yet?"
I had no idea what he was saying. I mean tony could tell me a lot of things. He tells me he loves me. He tells me how much time it takes to fix his hair. So I just answer with another question.
Lia: "Tell me what?"
His eyes went wide. I could tell it was something I wants supposed to know.
Chase: "N-nothing.."
I have a suspicious face but then ignore it.
                                      Chase Pov
I nearly blew it. I can't believe he hasn't told her.
Basically, Tony used to date Addison. And Tony lied to Lia and said that she was the first person he's ever dated. And I know, what's the big deal? Well, it's so easy for her to find out. all she has to do is just scroll down on his tiktok, insta, to see the old pictures of tony and Addison and they kissed in some of them. And it's bad if she finds out because everyone in the hype house (including new members) knows. And when she finds out, she's gonna get mad at everyone for not telling her. And I can really see us becoming great best friends. So I have to tell her. So I'm not the person she's mad at.

                                      Lia Pov
Chase is acting suspicious but I pretend like I don't notice.
The doctor comes in
Doctor: "Hello guys!"
Lia: "Hey."
Doctor: "You can walk really good. You said the pain is really light. So you're good!"
Lia: "Great! Thanks doc."
We go out and Griffin's still there. As I walk by him he whispered something to me.
Griffin: "First me, then Tony, now Chase?"
I start walking fast holding on to chase.
We start walking out and I feel relieved I'm not near Griffin anymore. Isn't he supposed to be arrested? Why is he there? What the hell?
Chase: "Are you SURE you're okay?"
Lia: "Yes. Drive."
Chase: "Ok, then."
He starts the engine and we leave.
What if Griffin think me and Chase are having a thing behind Tony's back? He knows that I was wearing chases jacket. What if he tells tony? I know I didn't cheat..
Chase: "At least we're know you're okay now,"
Lia: 'Yeah."
We start jamming to music and we have a great time.

Chase: "Aaaand we're home."
Lia: "Aw this was fun."
We laugh and get out of the car.
Like I said before, nobody's gonna suspect that I'm wearing his jacket. I already said this- we all share clothes. Whether we're a girl or a boy. We share everything.
When I walk in everyone brings their attention to us.
Lia: "Hey guys."
Nessa: "Look."
Everyone looks so serious. I notice Tony wasn't there.
Nessa: "you didn't cheat, right? I don't believe it, it has to be fake."
Chase: "Cheat?"
He looks at me and then everyone else.
Chase: "What do you mean?"
Avani: "Guys, she obviously didn't cheat on tony with chase, ok?"
Lia: "WHAT?"
Chase: "You guys really think- ya'll are dumb"
I sit on the couch with everyone else and chase.
Josh: "Griffin posted a picture of you and chase."
Lia: "Let me see."
It was basically a photo of when I was holding his arm and wearing his hoodie.
Lia: "How is that cheating?"
Kouvr: "Griffin said he saw you guys kiss"
Chase: "Well that obviously didn't happen."
Addison: "I know, but the problem is that people are ignoring the fact that he is supposed to be arrested and he is cancelled. Like, did they forget what he did to you? How do they not think he's lying to get revenge?"
Avani: "Exactly."
Lia: "What did Tony day..?"
Ondreaz: "He's in his r..oom."
Lia: "Ok."
I go upstairs and he's in his bed.
Tony: "I don't believe it."
Lia: "It's not true,"
Tony released his face from his hands and it looked like he had been crying. I sat on his bed.
Tony: "How am I supposed to know that?! You're obsessed with him! Why wouldn't you cheat on me with HIM"
Lia: "Because he's my friend, and.."
He looks at me.
Tony: "And what?!"
Lia: "And.. I love you.."
I look into his eyes. He looks surprised.
Tony: "You've never said that before.." he faintly smiles
I chuckle and rest myself on his chest.
Lia: "You're a dumbass for even considering believing that."
He giggles.
Tony: "I love you too."

THE END hope you enjoyed!

haha jk jk jk but I'll make an update when I get...90 votes. :) ALSO SHOULD THIS BECOME A THING WHERE LIA (YOU) HAS 2 BOYFRIENDS?! CHASE AND TONY. not cheating tho- like they both know. but not a threesome because I- I don't wanna imagine tony and chase kiss- but ya should I? ALSO IT WONT BE REALISTIC. LIKE THE FANS WILL BE OK WITH IT AND ACT LIKE ITS NORMAL.

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