Chapter 1

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Anya's heart thudded in her chest like a trapped bird in a net as she stood faced to face with Dimitry. She took a breath and then forcefully closed the space between them, pulled him into that kiss she had wanted since she woke from a nightmare to find him there with reassuring arms. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders, fingers finding his strong shoulder blades. Her other hand pressed the back of his head, bringing his face to hers. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, his hands lingering on her hips, his lips brushing against hers. And then he kissed her back, hard. His arms enveloped her waist, the smooth red satin brushing against his forearms, she could feel a smile in his lips. It was a long, beautiful moment before they broke apart. Anya looked with eyes full of wonder up at Dimitry, he looked awestruck down on her. Suddenly, dark realization washed over his face.

"Why?" He asked, his voice laden with pain.

"What?" Anya asked, her voice tiny.

"Why did you have to give me that when I can never have you. Make me feel what could have been even more. I have to live with that forever knowing I can never have it." He began to turn from her. She caught to crook of his elbow


"No Anya."

"Dimitry I renounced my title."

He stopped

"You what?"

"I renounced my title. My claim to the inheritance. My station. Everything. All of it."

He turned to her, his hands on her waist.

"Why would you do that?"

Anya cupped her hands to Dimitry's face, his jaw resting in her gloved fingers.  His eyes looking directly into hers.

"Nonna told me that you refused the reward. She told me everything. And she told me she wanted me to be happy, and that we'd always be family no matter what I chose."

"I don't understand."

"So I chose you Dimitry."

A smile lit up his handsome face. His deep brown eyes glowed. He pulled Anya to him urgently and kissed her. She could feel the desperation, his need to hold her.  His hand found the back of her neck underneath her hair.  His hand pressed the small of her back, leaving no space between their bodies.  Her massive tiara slid down so it hit Dimitry's forehead.  He smiled and pulled back.

"Allow me your majesty" he chuckled as his strong fingers delicately moved her tiara back in place.  Anya smiled.  She grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought his lips back to hers. His hand cupped her jaw, holding her to him.

It was several long moments before he let her go. When they broke apart, there was a look of certainty, of confidence shimmering in his eyes.

"Anya... will you marry me?"


"Will you marry me?'

Anya's smile spread so wide her face looked ready to burst. Tears pooled at the edge of her lashes.


Dimitry pulled her into an embrace, their hearts, two birds trapped in a net, beat ferociously against each other.

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