✾2 weeks✾ Nishinoya x Reader

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Warning! Kidnapping and Injuries! Mild Angst!

Y/n's POV

"Damn it, I'm hungry." I say talking to no one in particular. I was home alone for the next 2 weeks because my parents were on business trips and my older brother was away at college. I skipped dinner last night and didn't eat today either, so I was very hungry. It was about 9:00PM and dark out already, but I decided to go out to the convenience store to get a bento box.

"Don't travel at night alone. Always have a friend with you that you can trust, and can help you if you are in trouble." I remember what my brother said to me on the phone the other day.

Should I call Noya? It's just to the convenience store. I should be fine...

I think as I walk to the convenience store which was not more than 10 minutes from my house. I walk into the store and get a bento box, some tea, and some Pocky for the anime binge I was planning to do later tonight. I pay for my things and walk out of the store. I start heading home when I have a weird feeling that I'm being followed. I look around and start to get scared. Without a second thought I pull out my phone and call Nishinoya. He picks up almost immediately.

"Wassup?" Nishinoya says casually.

"Noya, I think I'm being followed. Can you come to me? I'll send you my location." I say quietly, not wanting the person following me to hear.

"Where are you y/n?! I'm coming." He says as I hear him get up. It sounds like he knocked over 5 things since he got up so fast.

"Near the Mini Sto-" I start but am interrupted by a pair of large hands over my mouth. I drop the phone and try to wiggle out, but I couldn't.

"Y/n? Y/n?! Are you okay?! I'm coming!" Noya screams as I hear him hang up. I try to scream for help but there was no one around to help me.

"You'll be coming with me..." the man whispers in my ear as I try desperately to escape.

Noya... Please hurry...

I think as I start to black out due to the lack of air I was getting.

Nishinoya's POV

Shit! Why is this happening?! I'm coming y/n, just wait a little longer...

I sprint to the convenience store and look around. Nothing. I assumed she was heading home so I head in the direction of her home. I see a large black figure and y/n being carried into some sort of vehicle. She seemed to be passed out.

"PUT HER DOWN!" I scream as I kick the man in the back making him fall face first onto the concrete, dropping y/n in the process. She hits the concrete and grunts, seeming to wake up. I quickly pick her up and carry her to a nearby alleyway, just to check up on her.

"It's okay y/n I'm here. Are you okay?" I ask, setting her down on the ground.

"I knew I could trust you. Thank you Noya." She says weakly, throwing her arms around my neck. I hug her back but let go quickly when I hear footsteps behind me.

"I'm not done with you yet..."

Y/n's POV

I see a slight glare in the man's hand and I realized that he had a knife. He was moving his hand back as if he were to throw it and I quickly realize he was aiming at Noya. Noya being a little slow (A/N XD I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE XDD) didn't realize the knife, or the fact that he was about to get a knife thrown at him. The man throws the knife, and I quickly hug Noya and slam him against the wall that my back was to, switching places with him. I scream in pain as the knife pierces my side.

Haikyuu x Reader AngstWhere stories live. Discover now