" Um...Why is out Bus driver is wearing a Paper on his or her face?" Questioned Jirou as she pointed at the Driver then Aizawa turned around.

The driver started to do a Girl voice " W-well Mrs. Rockstar girl...We all have stuff to hide about, And I'm hiding my face because I used the God dam James Charles Makeup shit..."

" Wait a minute... Deadpool is that you!?" Said Midoryia and Deadpool took off the paper off his face and he is wearing the Bus driver's uniform " You smart Mother fucker how the Hell you know?" questioned Deadpool and everyone eyes widen for seeing him as the Bus driver and Aizawa eyes glow red.

" Wade...what happened to the Bud driver that was here?..." Questioned Aizawa with a Serious tone.

" Well hehe...It's kinda funny really, I accidentally shot your Bus driver in the foot" Deadpool said and everyone facepalmed and Aizawa got in the bus and stared at Deadpool " Now you are gonna Drive us there now!?" Shouted Aizawa and Deadpool Noded.

" Oh no! Nope Nope Nope! I am Not Getting in that bus when He is the Driver!" Yelled Toru, " Do you even Know how to drive?" Said Tokoyami

" Y-Yea...In Mario Kart" Said Deadpool and Peter dropped his Bags " I'm Staying here" said Peter and Sero and Bakugou did the same 

" No, We are going to Training camp, either our Bus driver is...Deadpool or not, We are still going!" Shouted Iida and everyone groaned.

" everyone in the Bus now, I will keep an eye on our driver" Said aizawa and everyone went in the Bus and Aizawa is keeping an eye on Deadpool, Everyone's bags are now in the Back and started to take a Seat and Deadpool started the bus as he started to Drive slowly.

" Why does he always have to make things worse?" Said Momo and Peter is very tired to speak " He...." He then yawns " He is him..." Peter said as in a tired tone.

" Peter san your still tired, You should rest now while we get there" Said Momo then peter's head quickly layed on her shoulder as he started to sleep and she blushed.

" The wheels on the bus goes round and round, Round and Round, Round and round, the wheels on the bus on the bus goes round and round all through this weird ass city" Singed Deadpool while he is Driving 

" This weird ass City is our Home Wade" Said Aizawa

" Remember this isn't my home world, My real Home is Canada in my world" Said Deadpool and he passed through a Stop sign.

" Oh geez he just passed through a Stop sign..." Said Midoryia 

" At least he is not being a reckless driver. Ribbit" Said tsuyu as she holds Midoryia's hand to calm him down.

" Y-Yea your right Asui" Said Midoryia and Tsuyu looked at him " Again is Tsu" Tsuyu said 

" How much you guys wanna bet we all are gonna die today because of the Driver?" Said Bakugou with a smirk and Kirishima and Sato shouted " Don't say that!"

" Bakugou kun, I know Deadpool may be dumb or annoying, But he might be responsible for driving" Said Uraraka 

After one hour, Deadpool took a Sharp turn very badly that made the bus go left and everyone moved to the left hitting the window.

" Ow! Dude!" Shouted Shoji

" Seriously Deadppol!?" Shouted Mina

" Wade! Pay attention to the signs!" Shouted Peter

" Ok, Take back what I said an hour ago" said uraraka as she rubbed the side of her head.

" Who taught you how to drive!?" Yelled Bakugou 

Spider academia: Summer blastDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora