Chapter Twenty Three: Welcome Back

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The pink and green light swirled around Emilie Agreste, before thousands of Ladybugs followed, swarming all over her still body.

"Adrien, transform." Always trusting in his lady, he called Plagg for his transformation. Marinette called hers at the same time before kissing Adrien again. The pink and green swirls grew higher and higher until they swarmed the whole basement, floor to ceiling.

They clung onto each other as the room rocked and the roofing became loose. As quickly as it began, it faded away into the abyss taking the thousands of tiny Ladybugs with it.

"Not in death, but just in sleep, the fateful prophecy you'll keep. And from this slumber you shall wake, when true love's kiss, the spell shall break."

Remaining as their alter-egos the partners turned to look at Emilie. Her eyes were open and she was looking around.

"Chat, go to your dorm and transform." Marinette said hurriedly. "I'll bring her to you."

"But ..."

She grabbed him tightly and kissed his perfect lips.

"Please, just go!"

Trusting his lady he extended his baton out the window and made his way back to campus. Ladybug turned back to Emilie.

"Where am I? What am doing here?" She gasped placing her hand to her mouth. "Where's Adrien? Where's my little boy?" Tears swelled in the bottom of her eyes.

"Emilie please, calm down." Ladybug took a step closer.

"Oh my, are you ... are you the ladybug Miraculous?"

"I'll answer all these questions for you but first we need to go and see your husband."

Emilie started to panic, her breaths becoming unsteady and Marinette could tell she was about to have a panic attack. She reached out and took her into her arms. 

"It's ok, just take deep breathes. I'm here, nothings going to happen to you."

"Don't take me to him, please. I don't want to see Gabriel, he's not the man I married. He's going to destroy everything. Please Ladybug take me to my son, I need to know he's ok and Gabriel hasn't done anything to him." The tears were streaming down Emilie's face and Ladybug could see how similar her eyes were to Adrien's. She thought the whole reason Hawk Moth wanted to take over the world was to bring his wife back with the wish granted by the cat and ladybug Miraculous'.

Emilie was starting to get more and more frantic, especially when she realised she was in the basement of the Agreste Mansion. Ladybug grabbed onto her.

"Hold on tight. I will take you to Adrien."

With that she swung out the window and into the dark night skies.


Adrien had managed to persuade Nino to stay over to Alya's for the evening meaning once Ladybug arrived with his mother they'd have a safe place to talk.

As he paced the room for the thousandth time he heard a sound in his bedroom. He'd left the window open for Ladybug to come through. His head was still buzzing with the thought of his two ladies being one, and the possibility he has his mother back.

"Kitty, we'll talk later about everything I promise but please give my brain a rest." Marinette entered through Adrien's room frowning with the questions running through her head, she placed Emilie securely on the floor.

"Adrien, sweet boy, is that you?"

"Mother, I've missed you so much!" Adrien ran into the arms of his missing mother and both began to cry. Marinette had made her way into the kitchen hiding the tears streaming down her cheeks. Marinette felt like an intruder on such a momentous occasion. Adrien let go of his mother and she placed one hand on his cheek.

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