Lisanna part 1

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Lisanna x Jealous! Tsundere! Natsu's Twin Sister! Fire Dragon Slayer Reader.

You stuff your head in your hands and just sit like that until there's a knock on the bottom of the tree. Only two other people knew about this place which was Gray and Lisanna. You sigh because either way, you have to see who it is, you just hoped it wasn't her.

You knock on the tree three times and then you hear someone climbing. There's a deep grunt making you sigh in relief since you know that it's Gray and open the trap door to let him in. It only took him a minute before he came in and looked at you.

"You've been crying..."

"Oh, uh, yeah I guess..."


"This about Lisanna?"


"Wanna y'all about it?" He asked and you gave him a look making him sigh.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with the same thing all over again." He mumbled and you groaned before throwing your body into the floor. He winced at the noise of your body making contact but you didn't react.

"Yeah but it doesn't matter. If I ignore her she'll ignore me, it's not like-" you were cut off by another knock on the bottom of the tree making both of your eyes widen. You hesitate before knocking on the tree 3 times in response and you heard someone else climbing up.

Before you could say anything else to Gray he quickly jumped out of the tree, right before Lisanna reached the top. Once she was there she looked around confused before her blue eyes locked on yours, the confusion never leaving. You gulped quietly before turning you heard and acknowledging her.

"What are you here for Lisanna?" You asked and she sighed as she realized you weren't gonna look at her.

"I saw Gray leave the guild, I wanted to make sure nothing was wrong when I saw him climb this tree. I thought you said no one knew about this tree spot but us?" She asked and you of course started to get upset. You turn back to her and glare harshly,

"So you notice and worry when Gray leaves but not when I do! It's so funny how things work with you, I do something and you don't care, but if it's anyone else, especially Natsu you immediately worry about them!" You yelled at her and at the same time you were cursing Gray in your head for leaving you alone.

At first she looked taken aback, and a bit guilty, until you mentioned Natay's name and her face hardened. "So that's what this is about... you're jealous." It wasn't a question at all and it caught you off guard. You sputtered and tried to deny it but Lisanna didn't give you a chance to. "I'm sorry okay! It was wrong of me to always steal your brother from you and ignore you when we were younger, but I was a kid with a silly crush, I let it get to my head and I didn't notice I was hurting you, but we've grown up. I've tried to make it up to you but all you do is push me away and think about the past. Well guess what (Y/N), right now I'm here with you, not Natsu, not Gray, not anyone else just you. Forget why I'm here or how we got like this, it's just me and you here."

Lisanna was slightly panting from saying everything in about one breath. You on the other hand were looking at her surprised. "W-what?" She sighed and leaned closer to you, staring at you intensely and you could see some type of emotion in her eyes, making you wonder what it was. Regret, Hope, Guilt, Hurt, it was hard to tell but it was definitely there. You gulped before looking away embarrassed.

"Why are you so interested in me now?"

"Let's just say Edolas changed my perspective in more ways than one." She sighed because you were looking away again.

You didn't know what she wanted you to say but you could tell whatever she was thinking about was depressing for her. "Do you wanna... talk about it?" You asked and she shook her head.

"What I truly wanna talk about is how I can make everything up to you." She said and you looked at her and she really looked serious.



You thought about it for a minute before you slowly started to blush the more she stared at you. "Could you stop staring?" You mumbled and her eyes widened as she quickly looked away. "I forgot how embarrassed she used to get." She mumbled and you looked at her confused.

"What?" You asked and she quickly shook her head. "Nothing!" You gave her a look but moved on still thinking about what she could do.

"Well... for starters I am a bit hungry... I kinda walked out on your party before eating. Oh! You left to check on Gray, you should probably get back to-" you were cut off by Lisanna grabbing your wrist and pulling you along.

"Don't worry about that, I know your favorite place to eat!" She exclaimed and you were confused again, how would she know your favorite place to eat? She literally doesn't know anything about you.

"You mean a place I would like to eat at?"

"Yeah sure, you'll love it."

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