"Awww, hey there Simon. You are such a cutie patootie. How are you doing today?" Sam could hear from atop the staircase. She closed the door again.

"Look, Lincoln. Luna and I need to settle something that happened before you and I met... It's a little mature." Sam confessed.

"Oh, well..." but before Lincoln could finish his sentence, she heard Luna jamming on her air guitar,footsteps and her boots causing the creak. Sam was then in panic mode, and without knowing accidentally tossed her phone towards her wall, as it fell down the crack between the wall and the bed, landing under the bed.

"Oh my Gosh! Lincoln, I'm sorry."Sam said after briefly regaining her composure.

"What happened?" Lincoln questioned, wondering what just happened as the world on Sam's side on the phone seemed to turn impossibly.

"I accidentally threw the phone under the bed. Listen, can you do me a solid?" Sam was continuing to panic a little bit in her voice, speaking a little rapidly, "could you not speak while Luna is up here please?"

"Uh... I think so," he said meekly.

"Great! Now keep quiet, please." Sam then quickly rushed over to her counter where she was trying to create the illusion to Luna that she was either writing a song or doing her homework. A couple seconds later, Luna knocked twice.

"Yo, Sam! It's Lunes!"

"Come on in," Sam gulped.

Luna walked in, and Sam then got up from her chair to talk to her face to face. "Hey, Sammycakes, what's the haps?" Sam then raised her eyebrow at Luna, "oh yeah... that's right. We agreed I wouldn't call you that."

"It's okay," Sam said assuredly,"I'm just glad to see you."

"Listen, I just wanted to you know that I am sorry that I took your news badly. It's just I... I had so many emotions that I had no idea I had that day, you know. It's weird. I guess it's that puberty thing that I keep hearing about people going through."

"I know. I was there, and I saw everything. Not a good day for me either."

"But after a couple of crappy nights by myself, and some venting with my music, I finally have the courage to tell you that I accept your proposal. I just want what makes you happy, and even though it's different than what I want... and I really didn't want it to be the case, it just took me a while to swallow my pride and accept it. You mean a lot to me, Sam, and I don't want you to be forced into doing something you don't want to do."

"Well... that's good to hear. It's good to have you back, Luna."

"Thanks. But FYI, I still think you're super hot."

"Yes, I know."

"No I mean you're, like, a blazin' inferno, man, and I'm in a sauna in the desert, brah. In more ways than one."

"I will let those go this once. Normally, I agreed with you not to flirt with me out in public, butI'll happily take those compliments when we're alone."

"Okay, cool." After a few moments of silence, Luna added, "so you sure you want to continue seeing each other?"

"Yes, Luna."

"Okay... just wanted to make sure."

"Lunes... I love you deeply. You know that. And that will not go away. But 'love' means so different things nowadays to so many different people. I don't love the puppies at the shelter in the same way you and I love Vance Straitjacket (the lead singer of a rock band Luna and Sam like). The fire has died down, and I am glad to have the experience with you because through it I learned so more about myself than I did in the past, but there's so many people on this planet, I am sure you will find someone who will love you in the same way that you do for me."Luna was looking towards the floor, acting glum, and she put Sam's chin up with her finger, "believe me, I love you, but not in that way." Luna smiled at the song reference, and decided to finally look up at her friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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