Getting Some Replacements

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An,S: Sure thing !

Andik, Surya and Ali went to the table where they'll help Ali with his food since he can't properly do it, while Nikki went to the spare parts room to get everything she thinks Ali needs. Mak Yah just watch as the younger people around her do their things. Ali really is like Aliya, loves Tempoyak Udang and full of ideas that can help the people around him. While Ali is eating Andik asked Ali what happened to him, Ali told them everything from A-Z.

Andik: That explains why you're in the river floating around. We thought you were dead but Nikki made us to go down to the river. You lost alot of blood and you look very pale but luckily you were still alive.

Surya: Yeah, when we brought you to Mak Yah, she looked at you like she saw a ghost as you were very badly injured.

Ali: Well, thanks for the treatment and for the food, I really appreciate it. Oh, I wanna ask . . .

Surya: Sure, ask away !

Ali: Is there any spare parts ? I could really use them for "something".

Andik: Well, there are tones in the back but you need to eat first, invent things later. Got it ?

Ali: Hehe, got it.

Ali ate all what's left of his favorite food. Ali finished it and ran off to the back to do the "something" that he planned to do. He walked around to find the room where Andik said at the back but not specifically as there are alot of rooms. He walked and walked .

Ali: Nope, nope, not this one . . . .aha ! Found it !

Nikki with her wheelchair in the spare parts room looking for something. Ali snucked behind her and . . .

Ali: BAH !!!

Nikki: AARH ! Ish ! Don't do that ! You're lucky that I don't have my exo-legs or you'll have broken face.

Ali: Ehehe sorry, so what are looking for ?

Nikki: Just some parts that you might need.

Ali: Well, let me find it. I want to make a working hand, not a pirate's hook.

Nikki: Suit yourself then, I'll be here just to help out with anything.

Ali searched the boxes of spare parts with only one arm. After a while, he found what he needs. He then take all the parts to the workbench and started to build his new hand. It took 4 hours to complete the hand, it is also made out of junk so it won't look pretty.

Ali: There ! A new hand for Ali Ghazali !

Nikki: That looks kinda cool, but will it work ?

Nikki: That looks kinda cool, but will it work ?

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Ali: Only one way to find out !

Ali take the "claw" and attached it to where his hand was suppose to be. It hurts at first but not much like loosing the hand, he made a hand that can funtion  properly, most of the time.

Nikki: Okey, try holding this empty can. *gives can*

Ali: Okey, let's see how well my new hand can do.

Ali used his "new hand" and grab the empty can that Nikki gave, at first it was not really working but a few minutes later it can hold it just fine . . . . . . . Until he accidently crushed it to a metal ball.

Ali: Oops, that won't be really pleasent if I was holding someone's hand.

Nikki: Well that is WAY more painful than me giving ol' Fit a punch right at the face.

Ali: Hehe yeah. Wait ! How did you know his name ?

Nikki: Uh, I heard you called him Fit, so I guess that's his name . . .?

Ali: Hmm *looking at Nikki suspiciously*

Ali: Alright. *walks away*

Ali and Nikki left the room and went outside to find Andik Surya and Mak Yah. They found them well, Surya anyways, eating a bag of chips. Nikki told Ali that Surya doesn't like people bothering while he's eating except Mak Yah. Surya really reminds Ali of his Uncle who's also like to eat peacefully without people bothering him. Ali really wants to know what are his friends doing, Alicia more specifically. He really didn't have much proper time to confess to her about his feelings.

Ali: I wonder what are you doing, Alicia ?

Alicia's house

Alicia is in her room looking at the picture of Ali that she took silently without Ali knowing. She looked at it slowly without realising, a few tears rolled down her eyes.

Alicia: I love you too . . . .

Alicia:  . . . . . My Dork

Ali is now fine and healthy, mostly. Alicia has some secrets about having a crush on Ali !!!

Stay tuned !

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Mad Mech out !!!


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