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Zara wakes up from her slumber the bright light
From the sun shining in her room, sitting up a
Little she stretched out her arms a yawn escapes
From her mouth.

"Your awake, finally."

Turning her head over to the direction of where
The voice came from Zara frowns, of course it
Was him. She still didn't forgive him nor forget
The events of yesterday.

Pulling the blankets off from her body, which she
Soon regretted because the once heat turned cold.

Zara shivers Klaus takes notice of this from where he stood by The doorway. A small smile appears on his lips.

Zara wraps her arms around herself and climbs
Out of the bed, soon regretting it. She felt cold
She didn't know why. The window was closed.

"Cold love?" Questions Klaus.

Still ignoring him Zara walks over to the mirror
That was a inch away from the bed, the chair
Beside it she grabs her black cardigan she had
Put their the other night.

"Zara, you can't ignore me forever love, I told you
I was sorry." Klaus breaks the silence.

He didn't know what else to do or say to her, he
Felt angry in himself of his actions and what he
Could have did to his lover and unborn child.

But he did apologize, but he also knows how Zara
Is. She can hold a grudge forever but he also knew
How to break it.

"I know Klaus, I remember last night, but that
Doesn't mean I forgive you for what you did or-
What you almost did."

Wrapping the black cardigan to herself she felt
More calmed and not cold, looking up to where
The Original stood she looks away and decides
Changing into a rather nice and warmer outfit
It was that time in the mouth. The weather was
Changing but not really it was hot in New Orleans
But being a siren, it changes for Zara.

And sense she was pregnant, her stomach was
Growing faster at night.

Taking her hair from out of its messy bun it
Slides down her shoulders in its natural straight

Pausing Zara turns her head over in the direction
Of Klaus to see him already watching her.

He walks into the room and up to her looking into
Her eyes. He really wanted her forgiveness he
Wanted her back in his arms at day and mostly
At night. He couldn't sleep without her by his

Taking her hand in his. His eyes still contact
With her brown dark chocolate hazelnut ones.

"I know, and I don't expect You to not yet at less but- I'm still going to say it I'm  sorry for what happened I feel horrible and I want you to know, I love you and I'll always Be here to protect you and our child. Always And forever."

Klaus presses a long kiss on her head before leaving the room Zara stood frozen, taking in his words.

Blanking back into reality she Looks at the doorway where Klaus just walked out

Zara was sat cross leg on the floor in Elijahs
Bedroom, she was reading one of the nobles thick
Leather book journals. She didn't have anything
To do so she decided to clean up a little in his
Room. Not that there was anything really to clean.

Curiosity had got the best of the siren wolf when
She came across his book journals.

Reading some of them some and them worn out
Pages, Zara wasn't so good on reading not when
It's English but she had learned from both Stefan
And Damon. She almost couldn't read Elijahs
Elegant cursive writing but being a siren came
With abilities in her head she put the sentences
Together like a puzzle. Then begin reading
The pages.

𝕊𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗 ✦ 𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕍𝔸𝕄ℙ𝕀ℝ𝔼 𝔻𝕀𝔸ℝ𝕀𝔼𝕊 𝔸ℕ𝔻 𝕆ℝ𝕀𝔾𝕀ℕ𝔸𝕃𝕊 ✧ 1Where stories live. Discover now