His hair was ruffled and hanging down in his face, making him look devil may care handsome. He looked flushed even though the weather was bitingly cold, making even me shiver. It was only now I realised he wasn't even wearing shoes. He must be freezing. I kept my hand in his chest holding him off.

"Jamie, what are you doing?" I asked, holding my hand to my forehead trying to figure out just said question.

"I was kissing you..." he answered stupidly.

"I know..." I said just as stupidly, "don't do that," I told him.

"Why not, Skye?!" he exclaimed suddenly looking a tad hysterical.

"First of all you were just shagging-"

"I didn't shag her!"

"That's beside the point, J! You snogged her just one second ago! ARGH! it doesn't even matter! We couldn't be together anyway-" He cut me off again.

"Why not?!"

"Because Jamie, you are you! You're famous!" I tried to explain, but I was cut off again.

"So what I'm famous! How does that change anything?! Not like I'm not a real person because of that!"

"It's not that, Jamie,-"

Then what is it?" Jamie shot in.

"I'm trying to make it as an actress, and I don't want people telling me I don't deserve it! I don't want people telling me I'm a slutty gold-digger only out for your money. Because I'm not! I can't! We can't be together, when it can coast me my living to do so!" my voice was becoming high pitched and desperate I needed him to understand. Jamie looked stunned, eyebrow almost reaching his hair.

"Skye that's... You can't..." He choked on his words, not seeming able to decide how to answer.

"Not realistic, a stupid excuse?" I kept going, "Jamie you know just as well as I, that's a risk. People, especially fans are crazy and over protective, willing to start any sort of rumour to keep their celebrity crush from being with who they perceive is the wrong person! They have no restrictions! They will if they don't find me suitable for you, do anything in their power to make both your and my life a living hell."

"But we will have each other!" countered Jamie, finding one of the only argument for being with me.

"Jamie, I won't sacrifice my career for anyone, I'm nothing without it. It's who I am and reputation is everything in this business. We can't be together before people think as highly of me as they do of you!"

"But I can help, I...! You can't be serious Skye...?! You're really serious..?" he said hope and energy leaving him.

"And you just gave me yet another reason," I told him.

"Whao?" He said, maybe it was a trick of the light but I could swear I saw a shimmer of tears in his eyes, not yet ready to cascade down his cheeks. My heart broke at the sight, but I had made my decision a long time ago.

"You just kissed another girl, and you want me to believe that we're meant to be... I think not." I said sternly, looking into his eyes, I could see the light flicker out of them, like the hopes he had had, was now extinguished. Not a word escaped from his mouth, so I just turned on my heels and headed down into the underground and took the next train away from him.


I slammed the door behind me as I walked into our flat. Jane was at work doing stunt for some movie that was to come out next year, and Brad was where he always was in his room, playing videogames, I assumed.

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